Quest:Mission: An Infestation of Crabs (Instance)

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An Infestation of Crabs (Instance)
Level Scaling
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Deshra
Starts at The Bloody Eagle Tavern
Start Region Umbar Baharbêl
Map Ref [19.7S, 97.6W]
Ends with Deshra
Quest Group Mission: Umbar
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Your objective is clear, <name>, protect the Khâlbina at all cost. The hopes of the Khâlbina and her crew rest upon your able shoulders.


Protect the Khâlbina and her crew from dangers while sailing to Jax Phanâl on the Cape of Umbar.

Objective 1

  • Investigate the source of the disturbance below deck

Investigate the source of the disturbance below deck.

Khâlbina Crew-member : 'Did you hear that? Sounded like something crashed into us.'
Khâlbina Crew-member : 'I think it came from below deck. <name>, could you take a look?'

Objective 2

  • Defeat crab hunters (0/10)
  • Defeat great crabs (0/8)
  • Seal hull leaks (0/8)

Protect the Khâlbina and her crew from crabs that have boarded the ship!

Defeated crab hunters (10/10)
Defeated great crabs (8/8)
Sealed hull leaks (8/8)

Objective 3

  • Defeat greater crabs (0/2)

Defeat the greater crabs.

Defeated greater crabs (2/2)

Objective 4

You have successfully defeated the crabs and protected the Khâlbina! Return with the Umbari scout to the mission giver with the report.

Deshra : 'Well, that is quite the tale. I am so glad you were there to take on those dreadful beasts and ensure the crew's safety. Thank you for your valiant deeds.'