Quest:Mission: A Taste for Crab (Instance)

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A Taste for Crab (Instance)
Level Scaling
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Malthak
Starts at The Bloody Eagle Tavern
Start Region Umbar Baharbêl
Map Ref [19.7S, 97.6W]
Ends with Malthak
Quest Group Mission: Umbar
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Your mission is clear, <name>, to aid in harvesting the crabs in Zamarzîr and to fight off any crabs or beasts that get in your way.


A new chef has been entertaining all of Umbar with his delicious crab creations. Umbar is running low on crab. Aid the harvest on the bountiful Shield Isles.

Objective 1

  • Collect shellfish from traps (0/10)
  • Collect oversized crab claws from great crabs (0/8)

Aid the harvest on the Shield Isles by collecting the shellfish from traps and fighting great crabs for their claws.

Objective 2

Defeat the crab cast-mother.

(After defeat) An Umbari scout has arrived to escort you back to the Bloody Eagle Tavern

You defeated the crab cast-mother

Objective 3

You have successfully harvested the crabs and defeated the greater cast-mother! Return with the Umbari scout to the mission giver with the report.

Umbari Scout : 'You smell terrible, but you have gathered enough for a great feast. Come, let's show everyone in the Tavern what you've collected!'