Quest:Tutorial: Know your role!

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Know your role!
Faction Creep
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts at Gramsfoot
Starts with Uglash
[12.3S, 20.9W]
Ends at Gramsfoot
Ends with War-tyrant Akúlhun
[12.3S, 20.9W]
Money Reward 47 Silver 35 Copper 
Rank change Increased Infamy (60)
Commendations 250 Commendations
Repeatable No
Quest Chain Creep Introduction
Previous Quest Tutorial: Killing in the name of...
Next Quest Set to Task
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'There is little else that I can do to prepare you for what is beyond that gate.'

Uglash laughs.

'Time to prove yourself. Go to the War-tyrant. Tell him you are ready.'


It is time to put all you have learned together and return to War-tyrant Akúlhun for your orders.

Objective 1

  • Return to Akúlhun for your newest orders

Uglash can prepare you for the fight to come no longer. He advised that you speak with the War-tyrant and begin your battles in the Ettenmoors.

Orc version

War-tyrant Akúlhun: 'Well, sluggard, you followed orders well enough. Know your role and you will do well. You do know your role, yes?'
Akúlhun growls.
'You'd better. This land is more unforgiving than the pits of Urugarth! Go on! Get fighting!'

Warg and Spider version

War-tyrant Akúlhun: 'Well, little cur, you are able to follow orders well enough. Keep that up in the wild and you might survive.
Akúlhun chuckles.
'Go on, get fighting.'

Uruk version

War-tyrant Akúlhun: 'Listen well, Uruk. There are expectations that I have of you and our race. You should lead - from the back. Whipping these lesser creatures into a frenzy and making sure that the taste of flesh stays fresh in their gullets.
'You are prepared. Do not fail...'
He leans in close.
'Or I'll skin you myself.'