Quest:The Warg and the Master

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The Warg and the Master
Level 15
Type Solo
Starts with Rhovandis
Starts at Idhobel
Start Region Swanfleet
Map Ref [47.2S, 19.0W]
Ends with Rhovandis
Ends at Idhobel
End Region Swanfleet
Map Ref [47.2S, 19.0W]
Quest Group Swanfleet
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'For a long time Tham Celechir stood overlooking the Bruinen, and now Uruk-hai call it home. It is time we took back that home and rid this land of the encroaching warg threat.

'To the north-east of Tham Celechir, there awaits a master of beasts. His orders were to spread chaos and darkness upon the land, letting loose wargs to run wild. Once we have eliminated this threat, we can focus on the Uruk-hai in Tham Celechir and take it back. But we cannot lose more innocent people.

'Go and cull the warg numbers, and defeat the warg-master once and for all.'


Find a way to lure the Warg Master out of hiding.

Objective 1

  • Defeat invading wargs (0/6)

The camp is located north-east of Tham Celechir.

Rhovandis asked you to lure out and defeat the warg-master.

Defeated invading wargs (6/6)

Objective 2

  • Challenge the Warg-master

Find a way to challenge the Warg-master.

The Warg-master challenges you!

Objective 3

You have defeated Kalugat.

You should return to Rhovandis and let them know of your success.

Rhovandis: 'You have defeated the warg-master, <name>? This is much welcome news. For now, the lands are made safer. But our work is not yet complete. Our efforts in taking Tham Celechir from the Uruk-hai must double. I will not let the sacrifice of the innocents be in vain. When the time comes, I hope to be able to call upon you again, <name>.
'For now, I am grateful for your aid and am indebted to you.'