Quest:A Little of Both

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A Little of Both
Level 15
Type Solo
Starts with Lornel
Starts at Idhobel
Start Region Swanfleet
Map Ref [47.2S, 18.9W]
Ends with Lornel
Ends at Idhobel
End Region Swanfleet
Map Ref [47.2S, 18.9W]
Quest Group Swanfleet
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'I am not just a healer and an herbalist, but a warrior too, and on occasion I have had cause to use my skills in combat. I know the hurts that can be caused by Uruk-wielded blades, both as one who treats them and as one who has sustained them!

'Face the Uruks that prowl Tham Celechir, to the north, and wrest their weapons from them. I will be in your debt for this, my friend, both as a healer and as a fighter.'


Lornel wants you to know that he is not just a healer, but he is a warrior and a captain as well.

Objective 1

Uruks can be found near Tham Celechir, the Hall of the Swift River, to the north of Idhobel.

Collected blades from Uruks near Tham Celechir (8/8)

Objective 2

Lornel is by the camp-fire at Idhobel.

Lornel: 'Thank you for these weapons, my friend. Perhaps this will hinder the efforts of the Uruks to threaten the folk of this land, and slow the damage they think to cause.
'Go with my well-wishes, and good fortune to you on your road.'