Quest:The Anthems of Éomer

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The Anthems of Éomer
Level 142
Type Solo
Starts with Lothíriel
Starts at Great Hall of the Prince
Start Region Dol Amroth (King's Gondor)
Map Ref [74.4S, 72.2W]
Ends with Lothíriel
Ends at Great Hall of the Prince
End Region Dol Amroth (King's Gondor)
Map Ref [74.4S, 72.2W]
Quest Group The Havens of Belfalas (King's Gondor)
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'I admit that my curiosity has been piqued, and I wonder if you would do me the favour of seeking out more tales about Lord Éomer. There is no real reason, of course, aside from my curiousity and love for stories of the heroes of our time.'

A slight flush creeps into her cheeks as she smiles at some private thought.

'Ahem. Here. Take this coin and use it to entice the bards of Harper's Court for stories of the Rohirrim. Tell no one that it is I who asked, please. I can trust you with this, <name>, right?'


Lothíriel's curiosity about Éomer has been ever increasing since she heard a tale of him at the wedding of Aragorn and Arwen.

Objective 1

  • Toss a coin to the first harper
  • Toss a coin to the second harper
  • Toss a coin to the third harper
  • Toss a coin to the fourth harper
  • Toss a coin to the fifth harper

Lothíriel has asked you to listen to songs about the Rohirrim, and report back with what you hear. You should toss a coin to the minstrels in Harper's Court.

Harper's Court is in Dol Amroth.

T:he bard sings a dark song of Éomer being imprisoned at the behest of Gríma Wormtongue

Harper's Court Bard says, "I don't usually take requests, but I suppose just this once...."
You hear a tale of Éomer's bravery upon many battlefields
Harper's Court Bard says, "A song of Rohan? I know just the one!"
The bard sings a rousing song about an éored galloping horses across the fields of Rohan
Harper's Court Bard says, "I just sang that one - wait, I know another."
An ode of how the love between Éomer and his sister Éowyn called the Lady back to life as she lie in the Houses of Healing
Harper's Court Bard says, "Have I got the song for you! It all began on a day when the sun vanished from the sky...."
A ballad of how Éomer lent horses to the future king and his fellowship during a time of need
Harper's Court Bard says, "But I was going to do The Lusty Lass Meets... oh, very well."

Objective 2

You listened to many tales and ballads of Éomer for the lady, Lothíriel. You should return to her in the Court of the Prince, in Dol Amroth.

Lothíriel: 'You return! Tell me, did you hear much of Éomer?'
You recount the various songs, tales, and deeds you heard.
'So, he is brave, kind, and loves his family fiercely enough to call back his sister from death's doorstep. He has known battle and betrayal, but also friendship. He is akin to one of our swan-knights, and also noble of spirit. He did not flinch when called upon to aid the king and his companions, even when not knowing who they were.
'Thank you, <name>. You have given me much on which to think.'