Quest:Scales in Ost Amondal

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Scales in Ost Amondal
Level 142
Type Solo
Starts with Abartârik
Starts at Dol Amroth
Start Region Dol Amroth (King's Gondor)
Map Ref [74.2S, 71.2W]
Ends with Abartârik
Ends at Dol Amroth
End Region Dol Amroth (King's Gondor)
Map Ref [74.2S, 71.2W]
Quest Group The Havens of Belfalas (King's Gondor)
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'South-east of the city of Dol Amroth are the ruins of Ost Amondal. With the war being over, merchants have begun to travel freely along the road that passes by them once more. However, it seems that the quieter days have led to a clutch of worms moving into the ruins.

'If you are heading that way, take care. If you are inclined to lessen their numbers, even better!'


The ruins of Ost Amondal are home to fierce and dangerous creatures which threaten travel on the nearby roads.

Objective 1

Abartârik has asked you to lessen the worm population in Ost Amondal.

Ost Amondal is in southern Belfalas.

Objective 3

You should let Abartârik know that you defeated many worms at Ost Amondal.

Abartârik is in Dol Amroth.

Abartârik: 'You've done Dol Amroth a great service this day. Thank you for doing what you could to help make the roads to Dol Amroth safer.'