Quest:Mission: The Jaws of Death

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Mission: The Jaws of Death
Level Scaling
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Irvo Curch
Starts at Clegur
Start Region Swanfleet
Map Ref [65.0S, 29.3W]
Quest Group Mission: Before the Shadow
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

Cadell: 'Reports come in from the hills that wargs are making the hillocks outside of town into dens. Aside from the clear threat this poses, there is news that the wargs have taken a number of townsfolk. Some may yet live, it is unclear. Our scouts were not able to get close enough to confirm if there are any villagers in the bone pits.
'Will you go, find any survivors you can? Be wary, the wargs are cunning and cruel.'


Recent events see the disappearance of a number of townsfolk. Wargs in the surrounding hills, emerging at night, have captured and potentially killed a number of the inhabitants. Scouts believe that there may be some townsfolk still alive in the hillock dens where the wargs make their homes.

Objective 1

Scouts believe that there may be survivors in the warg pits in the hills nearby. You are asked to go into those hills and rescue those you can, and burn the dead to stop the spread of disease.

Objective 2

  • Talk to Cadell
Cadell: 'It is a shame that so many were slain, and a joy that those few could be saved. We are indebted to you, <name>.'