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The Draig-lûth (The Dragon Clan) are a clan of Dunlendings who worship the red Dragon Draigoch. Virtually all those encountered are aligned with Saruman and hostile to other tribes and to the Grey Company.


In Enedwaith the clan is aligned with Saruman and their clan area is in Thrór's Coomb with main village is Gwâl Draig with two outposts. They have been and continue to raid the other lûth and Algraig who have not joined with Saruman[1], have destroyed the Turch-lûth and attack the Uch-lûth[2]. There is hope that defeating their chieftain will cease their rains on the Uch-lûth[3].

The Draig-lûth have been capturing members of the Uch-lûth to use as fodder to appease the gwiber and giants, who being held in the cave called Skud Carchar[4]. They are also collecting supplies for travel[5], an early indicator of their impending journey south to join Sarumans' forces.


With many of the warriors of Dunland joining Saruman's army, the Draig-lûth have moved closer to Galtrev and established a new settlement, the Dragon-clan Settlement in Pren Gwydh in the eastern part of Dunland [6] [7]. They are bitter enemies of the other clans [6] and are planning to take Galtrev [7]. This puts them in opposition to the Grey company and their allies in Glatrev [8].

Another group of the Draig-lûth have travelled south from Enedwaith, and encamped at Uvel-cadlus in the Gravenwood[9][10]. They are under orders to join a group of the Uch-lûth at the Mustering Tree and continue their march to Wulf's Cleft[11][10]. This group of the Draig-lûth have been issued barrels of black powder to use in the upcoming war against Rohan[12].


They are active in the Stonedeans, particularly in Woodhurst.

Face Paint and clan identifiers

The Draig-lûth to wear red face paint with white or yellow elements for fangs, representing a red dragon. Banners resemble the wings of a red dragon, with the head of a goat as the dragon's head.



Members of the Uch-lûth include:

Draig-lûth(1 C, 45 P)
