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Throign Ironbeard the Undying
Warriors Of Mordor
World: Evernight
Vocation: Armourer
Class: Guardian
Race: Dwarf
Region: Finland
Age: 35
Sex: Male (two times a week)
Skin: Pale
Hair: Dark Brown


Physical Description: Throign is a sturdy dwarf looking to protect his allies. He never gives up and is still undefeated at level 28. He loves music and drinking, especially Barliman's best. Personality Description: Thorign doesn't get angry often, but when he does, it's raining hell. He loves mountains, but at the moment he is living at Bree-land homesteads. His favourite part of Middle-earth is Lone_lands


Friends and Enemies


He loves to spent time with his Kin, but also his true fellow Vesinokkaotus. He met Vesinokkaotus in a Skirmish, and they became friends at that moment. Part of this fast binding was probably that they were both from Finland, and Dwarwes as well as Guardians. So, much in common.


He doesn't really have enemies, but he hates people who don't care bout others.

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