Quest:Upper Crust of the Upper Ward

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Upper Crust of the Upper Ward
Level 148
Type solo
Starts with Brûdo
Starts at Baths of Ilmai Iforikh
Start Region Umbar Baharbêl
Map Ref [17.9S, 99.1W]
Quest Group Umbar Baharbêl
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'You there! Can you carry plates and trays of food without spilling them everywhere? Good. I need help. One of my workers is sick today, but this party must be a success. The elite of the city are gathered here and I will not give any of them an excuse to complain about my food or my service! Wash your hands and take this tray of food to table three.'


Brûdo is catering a gathering of Umbar's elite and would benefit from an extra set of hands, after you wash them of course.

Objective 1

  • Wash your hands in the wash-basin

Renowned head-cook Brûdo needs help catering a party for Umbar's elite. Start by washing your hands.
A hand-washing basin can be found near Brûdo.

Your hands are clean now!

Objective 2

  • Talk to Brûdo

Now that your hands are clean, speak to Brûdo to receive instructions.
Brûdo can be found at the bath-house in the Upper Ward.

Brûdo: 'Good. Your hands are clean. I wish we had time to do something about your clothing, but we do not. Pick up that tray of meat and bring it to table three. It is the one on the other side of the fountain.
'Those... those... carnivores! They have been hounding me for their meal!'

Objective 3

  • Carry the tray of food to table three

Now that your hands are clean, pick up the first tray of food and take it to table three.
The tray of food is on the table next to Brûdo.

The guests thank you for your prompt service

Objective 4

  • Talk to Brûdo

You have made your first delivery. Speak to Brûdo to learn what to do next.
Brûdo can be found at the bath-house in the Upper Ward.

Brûdo: 'Next, I need you to clean off the dishes from tables four, five, six, and seven. Those tables are near the man in green, with the purple sash... you see him? He is over there, making a fool of himself with his silly dancing. There is no music! What is he dancing to? The tune is of his own making... and I say it is his own madness!'

Objective 5

  • Clean up dirty dishes (0/4)

Brûdo told you to clean the dishes off tables four, five, six, and seven, near the dancing man.
Brûdo still needs your help in the Upper Ward.

Cleaned up dirty dishes (4/4)

Objective 6

You have gathered the soiled plates. Bring them to Brûdo.
Brûdo can be found in the bath-house of the Upper Ward.

Brûdo: Brûdo takes the dirty dishes from you and sets them down on the table.
'I have one last task for you. One of the guests... it is his birthday! I wish I had known in advance so I could have prepared something special, but this semolina cake will have to do. He is the merchant at the long table just to the east! Please bring it to him. Tell him it is a gift from the chef.'

Objective 7

  • Deliver the semolina cake to the guest

Brûdo has asked you to deliver a special semolina cake to a guest.
Brûdo can be found at the bath-house in the Upper Ward.

The birthday boy is taken aback by the kind gesture


You dropped the cake!

Objective 8

  • Talk to Brûdo

You have completed all your tasks and should speak to Brûdo.
Brûdo can be found at the bath-house in the Upper Ward.

Brûdo: 'You performed better than I expected! If your pockets are ever light, come to me. I will find more work for you. It is always somebody's birthday after all!'
He smirks.
'The regular fellow will likely not be sick tomorrow, I suppose. But still, what I said is true. You will be welcome whenever it is someone's birthday.'