Quest:Thorkell has Fallen

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Thorkell has Fallen
Level 44
Type Solo
Starts with Thorgest
Starts at Thorgest's Haven
Start Region Misty Mountains
Map Ref [24.5S, 7.0E]
Quest Group Misty Mountains
Quest Chain Scales of Vengeance
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Ah, thank you for the help, <name>. I will recover in time from these wounds, but nothing can help my brother, Thorkell. When last I saw him he was trapped in the jaws of a great worm. I can only hope his end was swift.

'The worms will have naught to bury but they do not eat dwarf-steel. If you dare venture within their caves and retrieve what remains of my brother's belongings, I shall reward you richly.

'You can find the worm caves to the south-east.'


Thorgest's brother Thorkell was killed a few days earlier by worms.

Objective 1

The worm caves are to the south-east of Thorgest's dwelling.

Thorgest has asked you to find and return Thorkell's belongings.

Thorgest: 'Have the worms devoured everything? Something must remain of my brother's belongings that you can recover....'
Collected Thorkell's helm
Collected Thorkell's axe

Objective 2

  • Return Thorkell's belongings to Thorgest

The worm caves are to the south-east of Thorgest's dwelling.

Thorgest has asked you to find and return Thorkell's belongings.

Thorgest: 'Ah, is this all that remains of my fair brother Thorkell? Would that I had fallen in his stead....
'But nay, I speak as a fool in my mourning! My dear brother was ever the warrior and adventurer -- moreso than I. He gave his life as he chose to save mine, and I'll never again gainsay his valour for doing so. Nor will I dishonour his name by failing to live as he chose that I should.
'It seems that I have much to do, <name>, and wallowing in my grief while the merciless wind wears down these mountains will not get it done!'