Quest:The Ford: Defiled Runes

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The Ford: Defiled Runes
Level 85
Type Solo
Starts with Wulfin
Starts at Harwick
Start Region The Wold
Map Ref [39.9S, 52.8W]
Quest Group Hytbold
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'The land of the Ford was once green and lush, but it has been perverted and destroyed. Not by the Easterlings, but their foul masters, the Cargûl. As they wander the camp, they drop runes which burn their way into the spirit, filling it with malice and hate.

'If the rune is destroyed, its power fades and the land can be preserved. Do not get too close to the Cargûl, for they can destroy any <race> with a single attack, but follow them closely. When you see a rune, destroy it.'


The runes that the Cargûl drop seep into the land and defile it.

Objective 1

Runes can be found on the paths the Cargûl of the Ford walk.

Wulfin asked you to destroy the runes the Cargûl drop before they defile the land.

Wulfin: 'Are you prepared to face the Cargûl of the Ford?'
Enter the Public Instance: The Ford

Objective 2

Wulfin is in Harwick.

Wulfin will be pleased to hear that you destroyed several runes before they were able to defile the land.

Wulfin: 'One day, either the Cargûl will leave, or we will force them out. For now, I feel content that the land itself is safe.'