Quest:Servant of the White Hand

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Servant of the White Hand
Level 51
Type Solo
Starts with Mark of the White Hand
Starts at Gazatmur
Start Region The Great Delving
Ends with Wigfast
Ends at The Great Delving
End Region The Great Delving
Map Ref [7.7S, 111.8W]
Quest Group Moria: The Great Delving
Quest Chain Goblins of the Great Delving
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

This goblin-shield bears a mark of the White Hand, a strange thing to find in Moria...or perhaps not strange. Surely a servant of the White Hand is nearby, responsible for stirring up evil in Gazatmur. If that servant is taken out, perhaps the goblin presence will be dispelled in the Great Delving.


An Uruk in the service of the White Hand has appeared in the goblin-camp at Gazatmur. Clearly, he plans to subdue the goblins to his will and drive them against the Dwarves of Dolven-view in great numbers.

Objective 1

The White-Hand Lieutenant can be found in Gazatmur, north-east of the Dolven-view.

You should defeat the White-hand Lieutenant.

Defeated the White Hand Lieutenant

Objective 2

  • Tell Wigfast of the White-hand presence

Wigfast is at his hiding spot near the entry-way of Gazatmur.

You should seek out Wigfast and tell him of the White-hand corruption you discovered and quelled in one swoop.

Wigfast: 'White Hand mark, and an enemy Uruk leading it all? That is strange news, and I am not sure what to make of it, but it sounded like an altogether disagreeable affair. I am glad you put a stop to it, <name>.'