Quest:Poisoners and Masters

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Poisoners and Masters
Level 55
Type Solo
Starts with Landscape
Starts at Baiúrz-mur
Start Region Zelem-melek
Map Ref [8.0S, 107.1W]
Ends with Auto-complete
Quest Group Moria: Zelem-melek
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

The encampment Baiúrz-mur is filled with Orc-defilers, a small army of enemies bred to concoct sickness and death.


The encampment Baiúrz-mur is filled with Orc-defilers, a small army of enemies bred to concoct sickness and death.

Objective 1

  • Defeat Orcs in Baiúrz-mur

Orc-defilers and their masters can be found in Baiúrz-mur in Zelem-melek.

You should defeat the Orc-defilers and the masterminds of the initiative to poison the enemies of evil.

Objective 2

  • Defeat defilers at Baiúrz-mur (0/8)
  • Defeat Orc leaders at Baiúrz-mur (0/2)

Orc-defilers and their masters can be found in Baiúrz-mur in Zelem-melek.

You should defeat the Orc-defilers and the masterminds of the initiative to poison the enemies of evil.

Defeated a defiler (8/8)
Defeated an Orc-captain (2/2)

Objective 3

  • Completed

You have defeated the Orc-poisoners and their masters, halting their evident plot to spread their crafted poisons beyond these walls.