Quest:Mission: Jorthkyn and Hounds

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Mission: Jorthkyn and Hounds
Level Scaling
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Hithriel
Starts at Herne
Start Region Cardolan
Map Ref [50.1S, 44.7W]
Quest Group Mission: Before the Shadow
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

Baglan: 'Jorthkyn! Can you believe this? There are Jorthkyn in the ruins at Sedgemead. We face Orcs, half-men, brigands, the dead and worse. Now we add Jorthkyn to the foes arrayed against us. What is worse, you might ask, they are in warg camps. We need to drive them out lest they ally with or train the wargs. Are you willing to assist?'


A number of Jorthkyn have been found living in the ruins in Sedgemead. There have been reports of wargs making the ruins their home for some time, but if the wargs serve the Jorthkyn as their masters, the combination could prove deadly.

Objective 1

At ruins within Sedgemead there are Jorthkyn taking wargs as their servants. There is a growing fear that they will become another menace arrayed against the settlers in the region, and you are tasked with eliminating them.

Objective 2

  • Talk to Baglan
Baglan: 'You are a marvel. We ask so much of you adventurers because we are so few in number and you always reply with such alacrity. We are grateful for your assistance.'