Quest:Instance: Sharkey's Night

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Instance: Sharkey's Night
Level 120
Type Solo
Starts with Tautila
Starts at The Warrens of Tûn Melen
Start Region Vales of Anduin
Map Ref [1.7S, 60.5W]
Quest Group Vales of Anduin: Gladden Fields
Reflecting Pool Vales of Anduin Reflecting Pool
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

Sharkey's Night
"Too late I realized the treachery of Saruman. Far afield of Rhosgobel and the path of my errand, the reach of the White Hand spread to the Gladden Fields. There his servants sought the Ring he would not claim, and there they remain, forgotten in purpose... searching for naught."


Sharkey, the vicious leader of a band of half-orcs and ruffians, has big plans for the Gladden Fields.

Objective 1

Tautila can be found in the warrens of Tûn Melen.

You have returned after nightfall as Tautila asked. You should speak to Tautila.

Tautila is not in his cage, but Vulfila appears to have been waiting for you

Objective 2

Vulfila can be found in the warrens of Tûn Melen.

Tautila has been taken from his cage and Vulfila appears to have been waiting for you to return. You should confront Vulfila.

Vulfila: 'Surprised to see me, eh?
'So was Sharkey... but I told him all about what you and Tautila got up to down here in the warrens.
'Sharkey says whoever captures you gets to keep half the spoils of the next dig. Don't get any ideas about turning back, though, or Sharkey's going to string that little sneak up before the night's out!
'What do you say, <name>? Care to make me a richer man?'

Objective 3

  • Find and rescue Tautila from Sharkey

Tautila can be found somewhere in the warrens of Tûn Melen.

Sharkey has taken Tautila and plans to hang him as punishment. You should try to rescue Tautila from Sharkey.

Half-orc Overseer says, "On your feet! Sharkey wants this one alive!"

Tautila is alive, but bound and badly beaten

Objective 4

  • Free Tautila

Tautila can be found deep within the warrens of Tûn Melen.

You have found Tautila. You should loosen his restraints and free him.

Seemingly unable to stand on his own, Tautila collapses

Objective 5

  • Talk to Tautila
  • Listen to Tautila

Tautila can be found deep within the warrens of Tûn Melen.

You have found and freed Tautila, but he is unable to walk. You should talk to Tautila and try to help him to his feet.

Tautila: 'I did not... expect you to come, <name>.
'My wounds... are not deep. I just need... a moment to catch my breath.'
Tautila's eyes widen as he looks past you.
Tautila says, "Sharkey..."

Objective 6

Sharkey is in the warrens of Tûn Melen.

Sharkey has revealed himself. You should confront Sharkey.

Sharkey: Contrary to Radagast's belief, Sharkey seems to be a pale half-orc. His hair is matted with some sort of white clay, but darker patches are still visible around it. You would never describe a half-orc as handsome, but it seems that Sharkey has taken a great deal of care in crafting his appearance. His brow is furrowed in frustration as he looks you up and down.
'Not one of them could stop you?'
Sharkey glares at you. Behind his stern gaze, you detect a hint of shock.
Sharkey says, "You may have bested my men, but you're no match for me!"

Sharkey says, "Stop! Stop! I surrender!"

Objective 7

  • Talk to Sharkey
  • Listen to Garmog

Sharkey is in the warrens of Tûn Melen.

After you defeated his guards, Sharkey has surrendered to you and Tautila. You should talk to Sharkey.

Sharkey: 'Wait... please! I can explain! I'm not Sharkey!'
The half-orc lowers his sword.
'My name is Garmog, and I once served Saruman....'
Garmog says, "When Saruman sent us to the Hornburg, I deserted the White Hand."
Garmog says, "Several of my kind followed me, and I came to disguise myself as Sharkey."
Garmog says, "My deception gave us a higher standing than Saruman had, and so we let the ruffians believe what they wanted."
Garmog says, "But, I suppose that is finished now...."
Garmog says, "Before I deserted, I served Saruman in the mines beneath Orthanc."
Garmog says, "It seemed Saruman's Uruk-hai had taken to calling him 'sharkû'."
Garmog says, "As time wore on, Saruman grew fond of their nickname for him."
Garmog says, "It was then he began to call himself 'Sharkey'."
Garmog says, "Perhaps he misheard the Uruk-hai, or perhaps he just liked 'Sharkey' more."
Garmog says, "After all, 'sharkû' just means 'old man' in the Orkish tongue."
Garmog says, "That is the truth of it. Tell your wizard I will leave the Gladden Fields."
Garmog says, "May our paths never cross again, <name>...."

Objective 8

  • Talk to Tautila

Tautila can be found in the warrens of Tûn Melen.

You have defeated Garmog. After he surrendered and bartered the true identity of Sharkey for his life, Garmog fled the warrens of Tûn Melen. You should talk to Tautila.

Tautila: 'What need would a wizard have to lead a band of ruffians for petty thievery? Could a wizard not do such things himself if he so desired?
'How can we trust that Garmog was not... deceiving us?'
You tell Tautila that you can't be certain, but the name Sharkey has long been known to you. From the fields of Bree-land to Andraith, his outlaws have long troubled the Free Peoples. Your mind turns to the pipe-weed discovered in the ruins of Isengard. Could Garmog have spoken true? Is Sharkey the 'old man' truly Saruman?
'Whatever plans Garmog had are undone, and I do not think the Wilderfolk shall need to fear to return of his ruffians.
'Thank you, <name>... and thank you for saving my life.'


Tautila: 'Let's... get out of here, <name>.'