Quest:Hurting Pride

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Hurting Pride
Level 74
Type Solo
Starts with Bagmund
Starts at Aculf's Camp
Start Region Great River
Map Ref [29.1S, 55.2W]
Quest Group Rushgore
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'I am nearly done with these...ha! This is perfect!

'A Dunlending has been seen among the Easterlings at their scout-camp to the east. Take these to him and tell him that they are returned courtesy of the Riddermark!

'I am sure he will reciprocate in kind....'


You collected many relics of the Dunlendings for Bagmund, but his purpose for them is at yet unclear.

Objective 1

  • Find the Dunlending representative

The Dunlending Bagmund spoke of can be found at the Easterling camp, south of the Woodmen's camp in the Rushgore.

Bagmund asked you to take the Dunlending relics you found to a Dunlending his party has seen in the Rushgore.

Amal: 'Dunlending? Nay, the man you seek is among those who call themselves the Khundolar to the south.
'I have much to say on the Khundolar, if you will stay and speak with me.'
These are not Dunlendings, nor Easterlings

Objective 2

The Dunlending Bagmund spoke of can be found at the Easterling camp, east of Aculf's camp in the Rushgore.

Bagmund asked you to take the Dunlending relics you found to a Dunlending his party has seen in the Rushgore.

Powus: 'What is this? This is an outrage! These token once bore the visages of our people's greatest heroes, but they have been defaced!
'You tell the forgoil that if they want war, it will come to them soon enough! Now, begone before I have you slain!'

Objective 3

  • Talk to Bagmund at Aculf's camp in the Rushgore

Bagmund is at Aculf's camp in the Rushgore, west of the Easterling camp.

You should return to Bagmund and revile him for sending you on such a dishonourable errand.

Bagmund: 'You dare to speak to me of honour? By your own admission you consorted with the Dunlending dogs while journeying through their land!
'Begone with you...I have no more words to waste on you!'