Quest:Haycliff: Frog-slime

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Haycliff: Frog-slime
Level 85
Type Solo
Starts with Dernstan
Starts at Eaworth
Start Region Entwash Vale
Map Ref [47.6S, 63.9W]
Quest Group Hytbold
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'The Haycliff is a place that I wish we could competely avoid, but the frogs within are too special. The tunnels allow for a slime to grow upon them, and we have found that it has no equal when it comes to treating wounds.

'Venture within the Haycliff and return with several of these frogs. They are shy and quick, but can be caught if you are persistent.'


The frogs of the Haycliff have a slime covering their bodies that is a natural antiseptic.

Objective 1

Frogs can be found within the Haycliff.

Dernstad asked you to venture within the Haycliff and return with several frogs.

Dernstan: 'Are you ready to go and collect frogs in the Haycliff?'
Enter the Public Instance: Haycliff

Objective 2

Dernstan is at Eaworth.

Dernstan will be happy to start scraping the slime off of the frogs you gathered.

Dernstan: 'You did not eat any, did you? The slime will help with our freshest batch of wounds, but we will need more soon.'