Quest:Eyes of Dol Guldur

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Eyes of Dol Guldur
Level 61
Type Solo
Starts with Faroniel
Starts at Echad Sirion
Start Region Mirkwood
Map Ref [15.3S, 61.6W]
Quest Group Mirkwood
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'If you have a moment, <name>, I would speak with you. Our forces landed recently upon this shore and drove off the Orcs after a mighty battle; however, many dark creatures have been seen lurking upon these shores still.

'Many Wargs and crebain roam the Mirk-eaves, undoubtedly spying for the Enemy at Dol Guldur. The eyes of Dol Guldur must be blinded to our movements. If you would purge the crebain and Wargs from these shores, I would be most grateful.

'Be wary upon your task, for goblin-scouts also roam the beaches, and they may ambush you.'


The Elves of the Golden Host have established an encampment on the shores of the Mirk-eaves and seek to protect it against the spies of the Enemy.

Objective 1

Crebain and Wargs can be found throughout the Mirk-eaves.

Faroniel has asked you to blind the eyes of Dol Guldur by defeating many of the crebain and Wargs which roam the Mirk-eaves.

Faroniel: 'Have you defeated the spies of Dol Guldur? Their masters must not learn how small our camp is.'

Objective 2

Faroniel is at Echad Sirion in the Mirk-eaves.

You should return to Faroniel with tidings of your success.

Faroniel: 'Very good, <name>! It will be long ere the eyes of Dol Guldur will be fixed upon us. Perhaps by then, the rest of our forces will have joined us.'