Quest:Daily Request: Scorching Selection

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Daily Request: Scorching Selection
Level 115
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Tancram
Starts at Hall of the King
Start Region Minas Tirith (After-battle)
Map Ref [65.6S, 19.2W]
Quest Group Talath Úrui Allegiance
Quest Chain Allegiance: Man Daily Request
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Many are the dangerous foes that stalk the burning plains of Talath Úrui, but none are so threatening as the creatures of dragon-kind. Defeat salamanders and rock-worms, or hunt for the more dangerous fire-drakes that walk the scorching plains. I leave the decision up to you, for facing either of these will aid the Kingdom of Gondor.

'Good luck to you, <name>.'


Tancram has asked you to defeat some of the dragon-kind that stalk Talath Úrui.

Objective 1


Salamanders, rock-worms, and fire-drakes can be found throughout Talath Úrui.

Tancram: 'Defeat salamanders and rock-worms in Talath Úrui, or hunt for the more dangerous fire-drakes that walk the scorching plains. I leave the decision up to you, for facing either of these will aid the Kingdom of Gondor.'
Defeated salamanders or rock-worms in Talath Úrui (14/14)
Defeated fire-drakes in Talath Úrui (4/4)

Objective 2

  • Talk to Tancram in the Hall of the King

Tancram is in the Hall of the King.

Tancram: 'You have defeated some of the dragon-kind in Talath Úrui? I am pleased to hear it, and offer you this reward from the Kingdom of Gondor in acknowledgement of the service you have provided.
'Come back tomorrow for more work, my friend.'