Quest:Chapter 5: Chamber of the Worm

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Chapter 5: Chamber of the Worm
Level 86
Type Solo
Starts with Háma
Starts at Edoras
Start Region Edoras
Map Ref [62.3S, 72.8W]
Ends with Théoden
Ends at Meduseld
End Region Edoras
Map Ref [62.5S, 72.8W]
Quest Group Vol. III. Book 11
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'I will guide you to Gríma's Chambers, as the King instructs. We must remain alert, <name>, for Gríma may have left the seeds of some mischief in his chambers. He may still manage to work some evil, and that would be a cruel cut indeed, to know of his treachery and still succumb to it.

'Gríma's chambers are north-east of the steps that lead to Meduseld. Come, I will show you the way.'


Háma has guided you to the chambers where Gríma Wormtongue kept his bed in Edoras, so you may carry out the King's desire that the room be searched for further tendrils of Wormtongue's treachery.

Objective 1

Gríma Wormtongue's former chambers can be found north-east of the bottom of the Meduseld steps, in Edoras.

Háma: 'Stay alert, and I will show you the way to Gríma's chambers. Then we will search them for further seeds of treachery, as Théoden King commands.'

You have found the entrance to Wormtongue's chambers. Do further treacheries await within?

Objective 2

Gríma's chambers can be found north-east of the bottom of the Meduseld steps, in Edoras.

How many secrets remain to be discovered within Wormtongue's chambers?

Háma: 'It would seem we are not the first to search Gríma's chambers this day, <name>.'
  • Immediately as you enter you will see:
On your left: Scattered Books
Someone scattered these books messily across the floor.
A marked page in one of these books reads 'No Mere Wit, He.'
Directly in front of you is a Locked Chest
This locked chest in Gríma's chambers might hold many secrets.
This chest is tightly locked, and you possess no key for it.
Behind the chest to the right is a Large Table
This large table in Gríma's chamber is scored with many scratches.
A crude map lies on this table, but you cannot discern what it represents.

Objective 3

  • Search Gríma's chambers for further sign of his treachery

How many secrets remain to be discovered within Wormtongue's chambers?

  • Behind you is:
A Cabinet
This cabinet contained many curiosities.
This cabinet stands empty. Did someone get here before you?
A set of Drawers
Someone rummaged through the contents of these drawers.
These drawers contain linens and fine clothes, rumpled now and in disarray.
  • On the floor to your left as you descend the stairs:
A pile of Fallen Books
These books have fallen onto the floor.
These books detail the geography and history of Rohan, but contain nothing of note right now.
A Wooden Table
This wooden table in Gríma's chambers is scored with scratches and burn marks.
Carved into the table is the crude representation of a crying eye

Objective 4

  • Search Gríma's chambers for further sign of his treachery

How many secrets remain to be discovered within Wormtongue's chambers?

A Fallen Chair
Someone knocked this chair to the floor and did not stand it up again.
Beneath the chair you find a golden key

Objective 5

  • Unlock the chest in Gríma's chambers

How many secrets remain to be discovered within Wormtongue's chambers?

Háma: 'You found the key? Well done, <name>! See if it fits the lock!'

Inside the chest you find items too varied to belong to Gríma, including a valuable sword

Collected Herugrim

Objective 6

  • Present to Háma the stolen items you recovered in Gríma's chambers

Háma should be told what you discovered in Wormtongue's chambers.

Háma: 'What did you find there? That is Herugrim, the sword of Théoden! It is possible that the King asked Gríma to keep the sword safe in his chest, but such safe-keeping is no longer necessary. I will return Herugrim to its master, once I have brought Éomer word of his release.
'For now, bring these other items to Gríma in Meduseld and see what he has to say about them. These items are both too varied and too valuable to be his property, I'll warrant, and his explanation for possessing them should be interesting.'

Objective 7

You found a number of stolen items in Gríma Wormtongue's chambers, and should confront him with them.

Háma: 'I will bring Herugrim to the King after I have released Éomer from his confinement. Meanwhile, you should present those stolen items to Gríma in Meduseld and hear his explanation for how they came to be within his chest.'
Gríma: 'What are these things? Why do you show them to me, vile <race>?'
You explain that the goods were taken from the chest in his chambers, and demand an explanation.
'Every one of those items was a gift!' Gríma hisses. 'You are the thief! I demand that you return those things to my chambers, and when you return to my presence you come bearing an apology! I have suffered at the hands of these ingrates, and now my own possessions are being paraded before all the court, and my name dragged through the slime! These are the thanks I receive for my months of tireless service to the King?
'You are a liar, <race>, and a thief! Your voice drips with poison and your words are all false! I curse thee, and beg that some kind heart will defend me from your insults and your slander!'

Objective 8

You found a number of stolen items in Gríma Wormtongue's chambers, and should now present them to the King.

Gríma: 'Lies! All lies! Your words are false!'
Théoden: 'Where did you get these items? You say they were found within Gríma's chest? I see.'
Théoden casts a dark look in the direction of his former servant.
'I will have one of my men restore these items to their proper owners. I am of a mind to send this worm back to his proper owner, as well. Would it be a mercy, I wonder? On this day, and in sight of his continued crimes, I am more interested in justice than in mercy.'