Quest:Chapter 5.4: A Weapon of Light

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Chapter 5.4: A Weapon of Light
Level 132
Type Solo
Starts with Glóin
Starts at Máttugard
Start Region Máttugard
Map Ref [48.5S, 111.9W]
Ends with Bori
End Region Máttugard
Map Ref [48.6S, 114.9W]
Quest Group The Legacy of Durin and the Trials of the Dwarves: Chapter 5
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'The prince has charged me with sending dwarves to scout the further reaches of Máttugard. There is no shortage of eager explorers among both the Longbeards and the Zhélruka, to their credit! I confess to a certain hesitation when it came to sending forth dwarves who fought with the Iron Garrison in Moria, but Bósi assured me that they were fully-prepared to face the dangers ahead. I believe him, but perhaps you can follow him and make certain my trust is not misplaced?

'Bósi and some of his kin went to the west, planning to skirt the southern side of the great pit.'


Glóin has asked you to aid the dwarves of the Iron Garrison he sent to scout the further reaches of Máttugard.

Objective 1

You will find Bósi along the southern side of the great pit in the centre of Máttugard.

Bósi stands here, studying a troll-shaped stone statue

Objective 2

  • Talk to Bósi south of the great pit in Máttugard

You have found Bósi south of the great pit in Máttugard, studying a troll that has been turned to stone.

Bósi: 'Look at this, <name>! Even so far underground, this troll has been turned to stone by the ingenious workings of dwarves! By the clever use of mirror mechanisms, my people redirected sunlight through the halls of Máttugard, and at some point during the long years of the mountain's abandonment, this troll ran afoul of the trap! We saw much the same in Moria, did we not?
'The device that ensnared this troll has become encrusted with dirt and filth, and no longer reflects the light as it once did. Can you clean it of grime and restore the mirror's effectiveness?'

Objective 3

  • Find the dirty mirror of which Bósi spoke to the southeast

The mirror mechanism south of the great pit once kept the trolls at bay, but now it is filth-covered and non-reflective. Bósi asked you to clean the dirty mirror to the southeast and restore its troll-hindering potential.

This dirty mirror is covered in filth and no longer reflects light

Objective 4

  • Clean the mirror southeast of Bósi's location

The mirror mechanism to the southeast once kept the trolls at bay, but now it is filth-covered and non-reflective. Bósi asked you to clean the dirty mirror and restore its troll-hindering potential.

After a good scrubbing, the mirror mechanism once again reflects light

Objective 5

  • Talk to Bósi the northwest in Máttugard

Now that you cleaned the mirror as he requested, you should return to Bósi in Máttugard, northwest of the cleaned mirror.

Bósi: 'Ah, very good! That is a start. There are other similar mechanisms throughout the halls. I sent Bori looking for them, but it would not surprise me to learn that he became distracted from the task and instead went in search of enemies to slay. Follow in his steps and restore the mirrors he has not, <name>!
'I intended for him to clean the mirrors to the west.'

Objective 6

Bósi directed you to the west, where he spoke of more mirrors in need of cleaning.

You scrub filth from the dirty mirror until it gleams

Objective 7

  • Clean the southwestern mirror mechanism at Vâr Nuchur

Bósi directed you to the west, where he spoke of more mirrors in need of cleaning.

You scrub the dirt of years from the mirror until it shines once again

Objective 8

  • Clean the mirror mechanism northwest of Vâr Nuchur, and down a level

Bósi directed you to the west, where he spoke of more mirrors in need of cleaning.

As you approach this mirror, you see that someone has already cleaned it of grime

Objective 9

  • Talk to Bori northwest of Vâr Nuchur

Searching for mirrors to clean, you have found Bósi's son Bori northwest of Vâr Nuchur.

Bori: 'I should have known you would adventure here, <name>, for it seems you truly fear nothing! My father sent you to help me clean these mirrors? I have already restored this one, but still I appreciate the company.
'Whenever I see one of these devices I marvel at it, here no less than in Moria where first I beheld such a thing. For my ancestors to have made a weapon of light in this fashion... that is truly a feat of craft and skill!'