Quest:After the War

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After the War
Level 140
Type Solo
Starts with Tornir
Starts at Glaniath
Start Region Upper Lebennin (King's Gondor)
Map Ref [80.6S, 29.7W]
Ends with Tornir
Ends at Glaniath
End Region Upper Lebennin (King's Gondor)
Map Ref [80.6S, 29.7W]
Quest Group Upper Lebennin (King's Gondor)
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'What is left, what is left... Hador is taking care of that, but... I must be forgetting something --

'Forgive me, traveller, I was lost in thought. Are you looking for work? There is firewood to be chopped, and weeds to be pulled in the yard. Should you accept, I will pay you for your efforts.

'It feels strange worrying about such minor tasks after such ferocious fighting. The war did not destroy Glaniath, but... it would not be right to say we were left unscathed.'


Tornir tries to keep up with his daily tasks.

Objective 1

  • Chop firewood (0/3)
  • Pull weeds (0/4)

Tornir has asked you to chop firewood and pull weeds in his yard. His home is located in Glaniath.

Objective 2

You have completed Tornir's tasks and should let him know.

He can be found outside his house in Glaniath.

Tornir: 'It's getting harder to remember everything that needs tending to around here. My children would remember better, but...'
He pauses. When he speaks up again, his voice is thicker.
'They defended those who needed defending, until the end.
'My neighbours help where they can, but they can't do everything for me, of course. It was good of you to pitch in, traveller.'