Lost Archive

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Lost Archive
Region: Moria
Area: The Great Delving
Location: [7.3S, 106.0W]


The Lost Archive, also known as the Chamber of Machurful, was an ancient chamber in Khazad-dûm that was sealed shortly before the dwarf-realm's fall in 1981 T.A., not long after the death of Durin VI. Though the door to the chamber is in Zelem-melek, the chamber itself is considered part of the Great Delving.

The Chamber of Machurful was once an archive of powerful rune-stones and texts on the rune-keepers' arts. When Durin's Bane appeared in Khazad-dûm, many rune-keepers of the realm went into the chamber and were locked in. Machurful locked only from the outside; when Orthvord, keeper of the key to the chamber, was slain, the key was lost. Soon after, the rest of Moria followed, and the rune-keepers were never freed. It's possible some of them were slain by a Deep-claw similar to Grotcleaver.

Among the rune-keepers who died in Machurful was Thrótrun, a renowned rune-keeper. Many of the records of the last days in Machurful were written by her hand.

Quest Invovlement

