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Arnorian Remnants
World: Elendimir (fomerly), Gladden
Vocation: Armourer
Class: Guardian
Race: Man
Region: Arnor
Age: 73
Height: 189cm
Sex: Male
Skin: Tanned
Hair: Black
Eye: Grey


Physical Description: A defensive warrior with a powerful build, it is a bad day indeed for any servant of the great enemy to cross this man's path, and that bad day will turn into a nightmare if they should be foolish enough as to charge him. In terms of height, this man is definately on the smaller end of the Dúnedain spectrum, but that just means that there is less man for orc spears to hit. As with most Dúnedain, this man has steel-grey eyes, but unlike most Dúnedain, a sun-scorched complexion due to the decades spent adventuring in Harad and the lands beyond Haradwaith, such as An-Balukkhôr.

Personality Description: This Guardian is calm and in control, even when intoxicated. He is of good character and will protect his "squishy" friends, even if that means his defeat.


Naranthor's Ancestors were among the last defenders of the kingdom of Arnor and he and his family have been loyal to the Dúnedain cause, keeping watch on the former lands of Arthedain, with his own father even helping the Hobbits of the Shire with both provisions and the fending off of the wolves, during the fell winter of 2911 and 2912 TA. Naranthor, of course, is a Dúnadan. Naranthor decided that he needed to further his abilities by adventuring far to the south in his youth, eventually ending up in the lands of An-Balukkhôr. During his travels, he formed an adventuring band with the Gondorians Megsuil and Carnthanul, both capable warriors in their own right. After many years adventuring in the south, and with his compatriot's wallets full, he decided to head back north. Unfortunately, as he returned back to Eriador, he was jumped by a very large gang of Blackwolds and knocked unconcious, losing all his gear and wealth in the process. Naranthor has since decided to drag out his ancestor's weapons and armour and put it to use destroying the threat to Eriador posed by a recently-revived Angmar. He has since ventured all over Middle Earth, including but not limited to, the Mines of Moria and Ithilien. It is unknown exactly how many of Sauron's servants he has claimed the lifes of, but one can assume that the number is far, far greater than the number of digits on his hands and feet. It is also rumoured that there is a bounty on his head in Umbar, Harad and Rhûn.

Friends and Enemies




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