User:Gaerlin/Hints/How to get a 5-minute cooldown on Travel skills

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Here's how to reduce the cooldown on all of your Return To skills as well as your Milestone skills down to 5 minutes, which is extremely handy when levelling or needing to move quickly around the map.

Purchase and use the following items either from the LOTRO Store or from a Mithril Trader:

Item Available from Effect
Hurried Traveller or LOTRO Store (495 LOTRO Point ) Reduce cooldown of Milestone skills by 30 mins
 Trait: Map Home Recovery Time Mithril Trader (50 Mithril Coin )
Returning Traveller or LOTRO Store (495 LOTRO Point ) Reduce cooldown of Return To skills by 30 mins
 Trait: Return to Skills Recovery Time Mithril Trader (50 Mithril Coin )
Expedient Traveller LOTRO Store (495 LOTRO Point ) Reduce cooldown of both Milestone and Return To skills by 25 mins

The combination of -30 and -25 mins reduces the default one-hour cooldown of Milestone and Return To skills to 5 minutes.

Bonus Hint

Another very quick way to travel around the map is to use the Stable-masters Collections map. Select any Stable-master on the map and you'll have the option to travel there. Travel to discovered Stable-masters costs Mithril Coin  and travel to undiscovered Stable-masters costs Mithril Coin .

See Also

Gaerlin's Hints and How-tos