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Gaeromir is a Guardian in the Better Biscuit Bureau kinship on Treebeard.

Gear at Level 65

Slot Tanking Tact Mit Swap DPS
Head  Arthar
Shoulders  Malledhrim Pauldrons of the Enlightened  Glorious Tactical Pauldrons of the Galadhrim
Back  Heroic Noble's Hooded Cloak  High Herald's Hooded Cloak
Chest  Glorious Strong Hauberk of the Galadhrim  Avanham
Gloves  Gauntlets of the Bloodletter  Hands of the Commander
Legs  Leggings of Durin's Guard  Leggings of the Lady's Defence  Malledhrim Leggings of the Enlightened
Feet  Boots of Durin's Guard  Belegdail
Left Ear  Sublime Dawn-rose Earring of Combat  Lengliel's Earring  Earring of Caras Galadhon
Right Ear  Refined Tourmaline Silver Stud of the Traveller
Neck  Dannasúr  Algraig Necklace of Grace
Left Wrist  Greater Enduring Bracelet of Blocking  Assailant's Bane
Right Wrist  Glowing Aureate Armlet of Morale
Left Finger  Glowing Aureate Band of Morale  Ring of Caras Galadhon
Right Finger  Glowing Aureate Band of Morale
Pocket  Black Pearl  Ranger's Token of Perseverance  Petrified Goat Dropping
Ranged  Powerful Greatbow of the Traveller  Cuguru

Gear at Level 60

Slot Tanking Tact Mit Swap DPS
Head  Arthar
Shoulders  Shoulders of the Lady's Defence  Glorious Tactical Pauldrons of the Galadhrim
Back  Heroic Noble's Hooded Cloak  High Herald's Hooded Cloak
Chest  Glorious Strong Hauberk of the Galadhrim  Avanham
Gloves  Gauntlets of the Bloodletter  Hands of the Commander
Legs  Leggings of Durin's Guard  Leggings of the Lady's Defence  Defender of the Twenty-first Hall
Feet  Boots of Durin's Guard  Belegdail
Left Ear  Sublime Dawn-rose Earring of Combat  Lengliel's Earring  Earring of Caras Galadhon
Right Ear  Certhloch
Neck  Dannasúr  Tinc-Iaeth
Left Wrist  Hadronechor  Assailant's Bane
Right Wrist  Glowing Aureate Armlet of Morale
Left Finger  Glowing Aureate Band of Morale  Ring of Caras Galadhon
Right Finger  Glowing Aureate Band of Morale
Pocket  Black Pearl  Silver Spoon  Petrified Goat Dropping
Ranged  Greater Valourous Bow of Finesse  Cuguru

Note: Items with red background are not yet acquired.