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Prologue - OOC

First I want to say, that I’m not american and you can find a strange grammar or even some mistakes in this article, nevertheless I hope it will give you the informations you need/want/seek.

I was deciding for a long time if I will try to play LOTRO at all, because as a huge fan of Tolkien’s work I had feeling that this game will ruin my imagine of Middle-earth. Then a friend told me, that in LOTRO you can do some serious RP so I’ve decided give it a try in September 2010 when US servers have became free-to-play. So basicaly I’m playing this game for role-play. I don’t really care about having best items, level or killing biggest bosses, I’m long time over it because I was playing another MMORPGs for last years.

PS: If you are interested deeper in my personal or characters info, do not hesitate to send me a mail or tell in game.

This is just a glimpse of information, I'll add some more later on, if needed but more likely I will work on new thing that have happend to Elkarien... and those are pretty ... lifechanging.