User:Darksphere/Renvere Vroenthime

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Renvere Vroenthime
The Moriken Company
World: Elendilmir
Vocation: Tinker
Class: Guardian
Race: Elf
Region: Mirkwood
Age: 109
Height: 5'6"
Sex: Female
Skin: White
Hair: Black
Eye: Green


Renvere is slender and stealthy. She prefers to work at night, and could be called semi-nocturnal. She came from Mirkwood as an apprentice Jeweler. At first she was just trying to work up the ranks and gain reputation with Thorin's Hall. But after some time, she began to see what was happening to the world. It was then that she swore to use her axe and aide in the battle for the Ring.

Friends and Enemies


  • Kitarathalas Iruvel
  • Kanashi Ishidah
  • Lilura
  • Leiara
  • Cherielle
  • Armony
  • Anaile