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Master of Storytelling
honorary title bestowed by Oakheart on May 25, 2021

également disponible en français auch auf Deutsch verfügbar

Durins Faust der Gerechten
World: Belegaer
Vocation: -
Class: Burglar
Race: Stout-axe
Region: Erebor
Age: presumably 124
Height: 4ft. 8in.
Sex: Male
Skin: weathered
Hair: redbrown
Eye: grey-green

About me (Character)


Others about Ijsbok

Ijsbok is a dwarf from the Stout-axe tribe who, according to his own statement, has traveled across Rohan and Eriador after an adventurous escape from Mordor in order to put as many miles as possible between himself and the place of his cruel childhood. In the Ered Luin, he came across a clan of dwarves who were looking for new dwarves to start an expedition to Khazad-dûm. Having had enough of wandering alone, and the longbeards not being the sort of dwarves to seek your life, he joined ›Durin's Fäuste der Gerechten‹ and became a capable recruit. However, it soon became apparent that he had a major problem with fitting into hierarchical structures and carrying out orders. And so, although he became a full member of the ›Fäuste‹, he was then released into the world to ›take care of his own business‹. He is also a real grump who has his own opinions on everything and everyone and makes them known without being asked. Conversely, he doesn't like it when someone ›talks the hind legs off a donkey‹ and therefore usually prefers to spend his evenings in the company of his horse.

Ijsbok about himself

Tss! Me and problems with subordination. Only the others have a problem with that! I told everyone right from the start that I didn't flee Lugburz only to have others tell me what to do and what not to do. Yes, I am a member of Durin's Fist of the Righteous and regularly attend the important events in the Ered Luin or in Bree. Apart from that, I've bought a nice little home in Erebor, which of course needs to be kept in order and paid for. In return, I have built up a small income as a traveling merchant between Erebor, Herne, Bree, the Shire and the Ered Luin. Because I get around a lot, I also write a road report for the Auenland Bote. As a part-time press officer, I am of course invited to all sorts of events from time to time. Usually with the ulterior motive of writing a friendly report about the event. That's why I don't even go to most of them. But when otherwise quite decent dwarves suddenly start fidgeting wildly to the music wearing a chicken mask or dressed as a bumblebee, you're allowed to express your opinion on this nonsense.

Where can you meet me?
Server Remark Main
several times a month, but irregularly

Game preferences

quite great
always with pleasure
Must be not
Oh ... no!
>Never ever!
Role play Music Quest Ini Raid Epic battle


Since the dwarf is designed as a role-playing character, the main focus is on furnishings for the dwelling in Erebor and ornaments suitable for a traveling merchant, i.e. no shiny ›hero's armor‹, but comfortable but durable clothing with moderate protective functions.

  • Experience: The burglar (how else would he have survived in Mordor?) is currently in the 55 - 60 level range, but only a few quests have been completed along the way and there's still a lot of catching up to do.
  • Equipment: Average. that which arises during leveling
  • Craft: still needs to be set up

Role play

A detailed biography of Ijsbok was developed for the role-playing game, which provides some explanations for certain behaviors, is based as closely as possible on the lore and still allows a great deal of freedom in the design of the role-playing game. For example, he only adopted the name Ijsbok after his escape from Mordor. He has probably forgotten his dwarven name and in Mordor he was only ever called You there, or Maggot. (Ijsbok is the name, translated into West Germanic, of a dwarven strong beer (Eisbock), which the dwarf got to know and appreciate after his escape from Mordor).

My story

Ijsbok's story
Ijsbok's story

Click on the picture with the scroll if you want to find out more about Ijsbok's life. This is a fictitious, but largely Lore-appropriate vita of the character, which is always taken into account in the role-playing game. The characters are based on the Belegaer server, but the story itself could be set on any other server.

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Further information


The images on this page are our own creations or screenshots from the game. Some of them, especially those of the characters, have been reworked with an AI.
