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World: Landroval
Vocation: Tinker
Class: Champion
Race: Dwarf
Region: Bree-land
Age: 66
Height: 4'7"
Sex: Female
Skin: Olive
Hair: Dark brown
Eye: Greenish blue


Physical Description:

Amdral Birai'benazûn Tavrirul is a young dwarf of 66 years (roughly 18 years old by Mannish standards). She is a Blacklock through her father's side, and a Firebeard through her mother's side. She has olive skin, and her eyes are a dark teal color. She often wears a cordovan tunic over heavy mail, and is sometimes accompanied by a small rabbit, Lokk. Her hair is deep brown and curling, falling to the middle of her back; she usually tucks it in under a cloak when needed. As for her beard, she wouldn't trim it even if you paid her to. She keeps it neatly braided. Her voice is a rough baritone with a hint of a Bree accent. She tends to mutter the first few words of a sentence, or skip them completely. She is a smidge over four and a half feet tall, and muscular, though not as heavily built as most dwarves.
Amdral loves hoarding jewelry, though she doesn't care much for wearing it. She's not what you would call wealthy; rather, she enjoys saving up large amounts of money and then spending it all in one go. She's convinced that hats and headgear in general are utterly useless and ridiculous, possibly due to a traumatic childhood event in which her helmet got stuck on her head for a month. (There is still a network of faint scars on her temples from the rather messy process of getting it off.) As for battle wounds, Amdral also has one deep, long scar running down her side, from just above her hip to past her knee. A large blemish from a puncture wound spreads across the palm of her left hand. Her left shoulder is two or three inches lower than her right shoulder.
Other dwarves may perceive that Amdral is female, but this is more difficult for other races to notice.

Personality Description:

Amdral is a very adventurous and bold dwarf, but still quite young and naive. Like her kin, she's extremely stubborn once she gets her heart set on something. She loves glory. She's impulsive and whimsical; she thinks quickly and (often) badly. Amdral is bold in battle, almost suicidally so, and is easily bored. She can usually be found storming fortresses, climbing small mountains, exploring ruins, etc. In her free time, she tends to hang around taverns like the Prancing Pony.


Early Life:

Amdral was born in Bree on the 2nd day of Mede ((June 25)). Upon the death of her great-uncle, her family moved back to Thorin's Hall. Amdral was 22. There, she was taught the art of tinkering by her uncle. After that, nearly all of her time was spent crafting in the Maker's Hall. She rarely interacted with others, preferring to focus all of her energy on her work.

Bored in Bree
Bored in Bree

When she turned 30, she snuck out of the halls with only an axe she'd gotten for her birthday. She'd been out of copper ingots for months, and the local traders' prices were outrageously high. Not being the best at geography, Amdral decided to journey by herself to Gondamon for supplies. She made it all the way to Noglond before realizing that there were, in fact, natural deposits of copper all around her. Unfortunately, she hadn't brought any prospecting tools.

In frustration, she swung her axe at an outcropping of copper ore, and was pleasantly surprised when the ore shattered into dozens of tiny pieces. As she stuffed copper chunks into a rucksack, she considered the fame that this deed would bring her. Maybe she'd be named Amdral Rockshatter, or Metalstrike, or Angeraxe. But when she returned to Thorin's Hall, her family was only disappointed in her. She'd snuck out without permission, she'd broken her brand-new axe, and the shards of ore she'd brought were useless anyway. In the end, Amdral was confined to the halls for half a year.

This was exceedingly boring for Amdral, or at least until she managed to barter for a lute through her window. For the next few weeks, she occupied herself by playing music. Eventually, though, she grew bored again, and resorted to dropping bits of food on nearby sentries.

One day, a group of Elven traders arrived at the Hall, and Amdral was startled awake by horns blasting a tune that was unbearably, miserably joyful. She reached for her lute to try to drown the earsplitting music out-- and discovered that, of all things, there was a furry brown rabbit sitting on her lute. Apparently the poor thing had somehow managed to escape the clutches of the musically-deficient elves. Amdral named him Lokk, and since then, they were inseparable. In later battles, Amdral would find Lokk's harmless tranquility an amusing contrast to the violent fight taking place all around him.

Fighting goblins
Fighting goblins

At 34, Amdral joined a group of five dwarves heading to Kheledûl. However, she was greatly annoyed by the fact that she was expected to stay with the group, and not go wandering off by herself. As soon as the group reached Gondamon, she slipped away. She congratulated herself, thinking that she would make a very nice Burglar-- only to realize that she had wandered straight into a goblin-city.

Amdral had never fought before, but she set her jaw and raised her (new) axe. She defeated the first guard she came across by luck: flinging her axe into a chasm and clumsily smashing the goblin's helmet with her elbow. She continued to fight her way out of the city in a haphazard fashion-- tripping one goblin, punching another in the face, pushing a trio of guards over a cliff, heaving a boulder over a command-tent... Eventually, she found her way back to Gondamon. After discreetly purchasing yet another axe, she rejoined her fellow dwarves just as they were about to leave and blamed her tardiness on Lokk's sore paws.

The journey to Kheledûl, which she'd originally looked forward to enthusiastically, suddenly seemed dull and boring. The group steered well away from even the smallest wildcat on the road. It wasn't until they arrived at Thrasi's Lodge that they discovered that Kheledûl was overrun by Dourhands. Amdral was secretly delighted, and was vastly disappointed when the other dwarves decided to turn around and head back to the Hall. A short bit of unpleasantry followed, in which Amdral compared the battle-scarred dwarves to gentle and homely hobbits. Eventually, she turned her back, and despite their protests, continued on to Kheledûl alone.

A couple weeks later, Amdral arrived back at the Hall with a bright smile and a heavy coin-purse. She had defeated the monstrous Dourhand armies single-handedly, and even rescued an elf who had wept tears of joy and gratitude. (No Dwarven saga would be complete without embellishment!) Amdral was more than ready to assume her place as a revered idol.

Five years stuck in the halls thoroughly convinced her of the unfairness of life.

When she was 40 years old, Amdral ran away. She was still quite a young dwarf. Amdral made up her mind to travel to her birthplace, Bree, and seek her fortune there. Her only companion was her little Elven bunny, Lokk.

Amdral and Revari
Amdral and Revari
Amdral and Sigyn
Amdral and Sigyn

Recent Events:

Despite her family's abhorrence of steeds, and despite having never ridden before, Amdral spent all her savings on Revari, a chestnut pony. She eventually saved up enough for some proper riding lessons, and ended up enjoying riding so much that she purchased another pony, Sigyn.

Amdral was given the name of Birai'benazûn, "Shadowthrower", by her people for hurling an entire row of goblins into the air with a single swipe-- overthrowing evil both figuratively and literally. At least, that's what she tells everyone; it is more likely that Amdral chose that name herself.




Annoyed by:


  • Level 35-ish
  • Red spec


  • Amdral hates Elvish music, or does she?
  • Rumor has it that Amdral's gotten a jewelling job in Bree... she's very busy nowadays but still loves to go on an occasional adventure!