Reithvald Red-ember

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Reithvald Red-ember is a Longbeard dwarf who fought in the Sixth War of Orcs and Dwarves alongside other notable dwarves such as Agnar Brokentooth and Lági Helmbiter. Reithvald can be found in Erebor before leaving to join Prince Durin to retake Gundabad.

Reithvald Red-ember (Erebor)

Reithvald Red-ember
Image of Reithvald Red-ember
Gender Male
Race Dwarf
Region Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands
Area Erebor
Map Ref [14.1N, 135.2W]

King Thorin III is planning to include him in the army to be sent to his son, and wants to ensure he is still keen and able. He is in the main entrance hall of Erebor.

Quest Involvement

Reithvald Red-ember (War of Three Peaks)

Reithvald Red-ember
Image of Reithvald Red-ember
Gender Male
Race Dwarf
Region Elderslade
Area The War of Three Peaks
Interior Ifbar-athrâkh
Map Ref [98.5S, 18.4W]

During the war Reithvald can be found in Erebor before leaving to join Prince Durin to retake Gundabad. He can be found at Annâk-khurfu before the War of Three Peaks begins, and afterwards in the defensive trench of Ifbar-athrâkh with Agnar and Lági.

Quest Involvement

Reithvald Red-ember (Azanulbizar)

Image of Reithvald
Gender Male
Race Dwarf
Region Azanulbizar, T.A. 2799
Settlement Amdân, the Threshold
Map Ref [63.3N, 135.6W]

Reithvald, in his younger days, participated in the bloody Battle of Azanulbizar, where he earned his sobriquet: "Red-ember". He can be found resting in the Landorrim encampment in Amdân, the Threshold, shortly before the battle.

Quest Involvement