Quest:Yea or Neigh?

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Yea or Neigh?
Level 80
Type Solo
Starts with Bingo Boffin
Starts at Harwick
Start Region Wold
Map Ref [38.8S, 52.3W]
Ends with Bingo Boffin
Ends at Harwick
End Region Wold
Map Ref [38.8S, 52.3W]
Quest Group The Ballad of Bingo Boffin
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Now that we are here, I suppose I will need a horse. The kingdom of Rohan is large, and my legs are short, after all! It will make the journey easier... as long as none of the horses we look at try to snap at me with their scary teeth, or trample me with their frightening hooves! I will hold you personally responsible if they do, <name>!

'Folk say there is a horse trader named Cuthbald on the eastern side of Harwick. We can go see him, if we must.'


Bingo has grudgingly admitted that perhaps he will need a horse if he is to explore the kingdom of Rohan.

Objective 1

Bingo plans to go see Cuthbald on the eastern side of Harwick, in the Wold.

Bingo has reluctantly agreed to see the horses available for sale by Cuthbald the horse trader.

Bingo Boffin: 'Oh my. I hope these creatures do not come any closer! They look quite ferocious, and could take a bite out of this poor hobbit without even a second thought! I would be little more than a morsel to them, but this morsel would just as soon not be lunch, if you please!
'Are you quite certain I need to have a horse for this adventure?'

Objective 2

  • Talk to Cuthbald at his stall in Harwick

Cuthbald the horse trader is at his stall on the eastern side of Harwick, in the Wold.

Bingo Boffin: 'Oh, I do not know about this. I do not know about this at all!'
Cuthbald: 'Ah, you are here to purchase a fine horse for this fellow? I have several that might serve your needs: each one is fiery of temper, and will gladly gallop about the fields with speed you have never seen.
'Watch your hands around them! They might take a nip at you if you are not careful. They are princes all, not of the Mearas, of course, but surely very near to that finest of breeds.
'Feel free to examine these noble steeds and let me know which of them suits your fancy.'

Objective 3

  • Examine the fine horses at Cuthbald's stall in Harwick (0/3)

Several fine horses are available for your perusal at Cuthbald's stall on the eastern side of Harwick, in the Wold.

Cuthbald: 'Watch your hands around them! They might take a nip at you if you are not careful. They are princes all, not of the Mearas, of course, but surely very near to that finest of breeds.
'Feel free to examine these noble steeds and let me know which of them suits your fancy.'
Bingo Boffin: 'Oh, I do not know about this.'
Assessing horse ... A very fine horse!
This horse is calm for its groomer, but Bingo looks nervous
This horse is quite beautiful, but Bingo stares at it distrustful
Bingo looks nervously at this horse's high shoulders, and shakes his head

Objective 4

  • Talk to Bingo at Cuthbald's stall, on the eastern side of Harwick

Bingo is at Cuthbald's stall on the eastern side of the town of Harwick, in the Wold.

Bingo has reluctantly agreed to see the horses available for sale by Cuthbald the horse trader, but he is not happy about any of them.

Cuthbald: 'Well? What do you think of these fine steeds? Noble creatures, are they not?'
Bingo Boffin: 'I can't do it, <name>, I'm sorry! These great beasts are simply too scary for me to even think of riding. And if I did, how long before I fell from the saddle? What a distance that would be! Too far for this hobbit, I tell you truly!
'I will not ride any of these horses! Tell Cuthbald good day, and give him my apologies, but there will simply be no sale today, or indeed any day! Not to this hobbit, at least!'

Objective 5

  • Talk to Cuthbald at his stall in Harwick

Cuthbald the horse trader is at his stall on the eastern side of Harwick, in the Wold.

Bingo Boffin: 'I will not ride any of these beasts. I am sorry, but I simply will not!'
Cuthbald: 'Well, that will not do. If this fellow expects to travel throughout the kingdom, he will need a horse. I cannot allow the two of you to leave Harwick without a sufficient steed for Bingo! If I let you go unprepared, it would do such damage to my reputation as the finest horse-trader in this part of the Wold, meaning this area near Harwick, but not as far as north as Langhold or south to Eorl's Hallow. Within those bounds I am the very best, and will remain so!
'Do you know something? I believe I may have one last chance to provide what your friend needs. Meet me on the west side of Harwick, near the Crafting Hall, and I will see what I can do.'

Objective 6

Talk to Cuthbald on the west side of Harwick, near the Crafting Hall

Cuthbald has asked to meet you on the west side of Harwick, near the Crafting Hall.

Cuthbald thinks he may have one more chance to find a suitable steed for Bingo to ride in Rohan.

Bingo Boffin: 'Will you look at this fellow! He is not scary at all!'
Cuthbald: 'I don't usually keep ponies, but this fellow came into my possession after a raid by the Orcs, and I have yet to find an owner for him.
'What do you think? His name is Tanglemane, but you could call him anything. I wasn't sure what I was going to do with him.'

Objective 7

  • Examine the pony on the west side of Harwick (0/1)

Cuthbald has shown you a pony on the west side of Harwick, and you should assess whether he would be a good steed for Bingo.

Cuthbald: 'Well, what do you think?'
Bingo Boffin: 'Look at him, <name>! He is not scary at all. In fact, he's quite little!'
Assessing pony ... A fine pony!
Bingo wears a huge smile. He does not seem to be frightened of this one

Objective 8

  • Talk to Bingo on the west side of Harwick

Bingo is on the west side of Harwick, near the Crafting Hall.

Bingo seems quite taken with the pony that Cuthbald has shown you.

Cuthbald: 'I think he likes you, Bingo!'
Bingo Boffin: 'This pony is not scary at all! He seems very well-tempered, and I daresay I could walk up to him without fearing that he might bite me. He is rather hobbit-sized, if you ask me, and I think that is just the right size!
'His name is Tanglemane? It suits him well! I wonder how many coins Cuthbald will ask in order to part with him?'

Objective 9

  • Talk to Cuthbald on the west side of Harwick

Cuthbald is on the west side of Harwick, near the Crafting Hall.

Bingo Boffin: 'I love him already! What a great pony he is!'
Cuthbald: 'I am glad that Bingo likes him! To be honest, I have not had much success finding an owner for Tanglemane, so I will be pleased to let Bingo have him for free. I have one condition, however.
'Tanglemane is an incredibly picky eater. He will turn up his nose at almost anything! If you can find some food around Harwick that he will eat, I will let you have him for free. Otherwise, I will have to refuse. You understand, I'm sure. Find some food around Harwick that he will eat, and he will be all yours!'

Objective 10

  • Search Harwick for food that Tanglemane will eat, and bring it to him on the west side of town

Cuthbald has challenged you to search Harwick for food that the picky Tanglemane will eat.

Cuthbald: 'Tanglemane is an incredibly picky eater. He will turn up his nose at almost anything! If you can find some food around Harwick that he will eat, I will let you have him for free. Otherwise, I will have to refuse. You understand, I'm sure. Find some food around Harwick that he will eat, and he will be all yours!'
Bingo Boffin: 'I wonder what food Tanglemane will eat? We have to find something!'
BASKET OF CABBAGE "This basket is full to the brim with cabbages."
Tanglemane refuses to eat the cabbage
BASKET OF BACON "This basket is full to the brim with bacon."
Tanglemane refuses to eat the bacon
BASKET OF CHEESE "This basket is full to the brim with cheese."
Tanglemane refuses to eat the cheese
BASKET OF MUSHROOMS "This basket is full to the brim with mushrooms."
Tanglemane refuses to eat the mushrooms
BASKET OF APPLES "This basket is full to the brim with apples."
Tanglemane happily eats an apple. You found his favourite food!

Objective 11

  • Talk to Cuthbald on the west side of Harwick

Cuthbald is on the west side of Harwick, near the Crafting Hall.

You found Tanglemane's favorite food, and now Cuthbald will happily give the pony to Bingo.

Cuthbald: 'I've never seen this pony devour anything as quickly as he ate that apple, friend! Looks like you've found his favourite food, and it also looks as if Bingo has found himself a noble steed to carry him through Rohan!
'It has been a pleasure doing business with you two, and if you happen to put in a good word for me with anyone looking for horses, I'd appreciate it!'

Objective 12

  • Talk to Bingo on the west side of Harwick

Bingo is on the west side of Harwick, near the Crafting Hall.

Cuthbald: 'Always a pleasure to make a sale, even when no coins exchange hands. Tanglemane was a bit of a nuisance to feed, so you're doing me a favour. And of course your friend needed a steed, as well. Everyone wins, <name>.'
Bingo Boffin: 'I am delighted to have met Tanglemane! He must truly be the Bingo Boffin of the pony persuasion, <name>: small, friendly and a picky eater!'
'He likes apples, which is perfect, because I can't stand the things, as I believe I have told you before. He can have every apple in Middle-earth as far as I'm concerned! We will make a great team, I can already tell. We won't covet each other's dinners!'
Next week: 'The Tracker' (Recommended Level: 82)