Quest:What Avanc Eat

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What Avanc Eat
Level 10
Type Solo
Starts with Culhuc
Starts at Lhan Garan
Start Region Swanfleet
Map Ref [54.9S, 27.3W]
Ends with Culhuc
Ends at Lhan Garan
End Region Swanfleet
Map Ref [54.9S, 27.3W]
Quest Group Swanfleet
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'I'd love to get my hands on some avanc eggs, but I'm better at fightign people than I am beasts. It's a hip thing, bending is hard on me. There's a big population of avanc out in the Wadewater.

'Hmm? How many? Well they are big eggs, so six.'


Culhuc would like you to forage where the avanc nest in the Wadewater.

Objective 1

  • Collect avanc eggs (0/6)

Avanc eggs can be found in the Wadewater.

Collect avanc eggs.

Collected avanc eggs (6/6)

Objective 2

Culhuc is tending the community oven in Lhan Garan.

Talk to Culhuc.

Culhuc: 'Ah, the eggs I asked for. You did wash them in the water before bringing them here, right?'
Before you can answer, he takes hold of one of the eggs and you watch his smile morph into a deep frown.
'No bother. I'll just... wash this egg, and my hands, and just please set them down on the ground and give me a moment.
'Thank you, I suppose.'