Quest:The Wise Woman

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The Wise Woman
Level 12
Type Solo
Starts with Lily Underhill
Starts at Staddle
Start Region Bree-land
Map Ref [31.0S, 47.8W]
Ends with Willowsong
Ends at Silverwell
End Region Bree-land
Map Ref [32.3S, 47.4W]
Quest Group Bree-land
Quest Chain Poisoned Well
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'There's a wise-woman named Willowsong, who dwells by the Silverwater Spring. She may know a way to clean the befouled water. Draw a bucket of water from the well and bring it to her. Perhaps she'll know what to do.

'Take the road east from the town square to the Widow Froghorn's farm, then south to Constable Bolger's house. The Silverwater Spring is south-east of there.'


Lily Underhill is concerned about the report you brought her from Longo Deagmund.

Objective 1

  • Draw water from the Staddle town well

The Staddle Town Well is in Staddle town centre. To find the Silverwater Spring, take the road east from the town square to the Widow Froghorn's farm, then south to Constable Bolger's house. The Silverwater Spring is south-east of there.

Draw a bucket of water from the well and bring it to Willowsong.

Lily Underhill: 'Hurry up with that bucket...and don't spill any!'

Objective 2

The Staddle Town Well is in Staddle town centre. To find the Silverwater Spring, take the road east from the town square to the Widow Froghorn's farm, then south to Constable Bolger's house. The Silverwater Spring is south-east of there.

Draw a bucket of water from the well and bring it to Willowsong.

Willowsong says, "I cannot bear to see evil done to good folk such as the Hobbits of Staddle."

Objective 3

  • Bring the bucket of poisoned water to Willowsong

Willowsong is at Silverwater Spring.

You drew a bucket of water from the Staddle town well and brought it to Willowsong.

Willowsong: 'This water smells most foul. Tell me, <race>, why have you brought it to me?'