Quest:The Tomb of Haudh Eglan

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The Tomb of Haudh Eglan
Level 45
Type Solo
Starts with Enid Nettlesting
Starts at Trader's Wharf
Start Region The Wildwood
Map Ref [21.4S, 61.4W]
Quest Group Wildwood: League of the Axe
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'<name>. Nye and Addy have gone missing! A member of the League noticed the two speaking together in hushed tones and only moments later they fled Trader's Wharf without a word. I am not sure what they are up to but I'm revoking their membership to the League of the Axe, that much is certain!

'It looks like Nye and Addy were in a hurry. They didn't even take their personal belongings with them! Perhaps there might be some clues to their whereabouts among their possessions.'


There is something amiss within the League of the Axe and tensions rise when a tomb of Arnor is discovered in the Wildwood.

Objective 1

  • Search Addy's chest of personal belongings
  • Search Nye's chest of personal belongings

Chests with the personal belongings of Addy Rushtuft and Nye Crowfoot can be found at Trader's Wharf.

You should search the chests belonging to Addy Rushtuft and Nye Crowfoot.

[Addy's Personal Chest]: You find a map of the mines with markings over the recently uncovered tomb!
[Nye's Personal Chest]: You find two crumpled sashes of the League of the Axe!

Objective 2

Enid Nettlesting can be found at Trader's Wharf.

You should talk to Enid Nettlesting.

Enid Nettlesting: 'What's this?! They left their League sashes behind and you believe that they went to the hidden tomb in the mines of Writhenset?! Those deviants! Let us head to the mines and quickly. Perhaps we can stop them before they do something foolish and get themselves killed. The mines are not yet safe!'

Objective 3

Enid Nettlesting wishes to go to Writhenset to get to the bottom of things.

You should talk to Enid Nettlesting in Writhenset.

Enid Nettlesting: 'I fear Nye and Addy might be tomb-robbers, <name>. Why else would they go against the League's wishes and enter this tomb? Tread with caution, my friend.'

Objective 4

  • Enter the tomb

The entrance to Haudh Eglan can be found in Writhenset.

You should enter Haudh Eglan.

Addy and Nye beat you here and are not pleased by your presence

Objective 5

The tomb-robbers can be found in Haudh Eglan.

You should defeat the tomb-robbers and recover what they have already pilfered.

Nye Crowfoot says, "Joining the League was the perfect cover!"
Addy Rushtuft says, "Yes, that's right. We used the League to find the Forsaken Tomb!""
Addy Rushtuft says, "We didn't want other tomb-robbers catching wind of our plans!"
Nye Crowfoot says, "We would have been rich if it wasn't for you!"

Objective 6

  • Place the relics back into the ceremonial coffer

The ceremonial coffer can be found in Haudh Eglan.

You should return the relics to their proper place in the tomb.

The relics have been properly returned

Objective 7

  • Talk to Enid Nettlesting in Writhenset

Enid Nettlesting can be found in Writhenset.

You should talk to Enid Nettlesting in Writhenset.

Enid Nettlesting: 'To think Nye and Addy used the League of the Axe as a means of finding and attempting to rob a tomb. I will never forgive them. We should return to Trader's Wharf.'

Objective 8

Enid Nettlesting wishes to return to Trader's Wharf.

You should talk to Enid Nettlesting at Trader's Wharf.

Enid Nettlesting: 'I thank you, <name>, for all you have done for the League of the Axe. To think that we were harbouring tomb-robbers in our midst! If Nye and Addy had succeeded, the League would continue to attract more unscrupulous individuals. Soon we would be nothing more than an unsavoury group of Brigands! No, we are more than that and always will be! The League of the Axe is about hard work, honesty, honour, and a love of the land. Thanks to you, the League will thrive here in the Wildwood.'