Quest:The Second Stone

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The Second Stone
Level 120
Type Solo
Starts with Illusion of the Second Stone
Starts at The Crown Chamber
Start Region Foundations of Stone
Map Ref [14.1S, 95.6W]
Ends with Socketed Pedestal
Ends at The Crown Chamber
Quest Group The Secret Stone Returns
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

The vision shows you a pear-shaped stone on this pedestal. This second stone must be out there somewhere, waiting for you to find it. You swear you can hear faint whispers, bidding you to look closer at the illusion.


The stones must be returned to their rightful places in the Crown Chamber.

Objective 1

An illusion has appeared before you in the Crown Chamber.

You should inspect the illusion of the second stone.

Objective 2

  • Find the second stone

The missing stone is out there somewhere, waiting to be found.

Hidden Switch: The switch has revealed a hidden door

Objective 3

  • Find the second stone

The missing stone is out there somewhere, waiting to be found.

Objective 4

You have found a hidden chamber in the Mountains of Shadow, but a Nameless entity stands in your way.

The Emissary: The Nameless being towers over you, but shows no hostility. As it turns its gaze towards you, you feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. It slowly moves its hand in your direction, as if waiting for you to hand something to it. A booming voice fills your mind.
'Bring me the remnants. Remnants from the fallen ones. Prove your worth.'
It continues to hold out its hand to you.

Objective 5

  • Find the first remnant
  • Find the second remnant
  • Find the third remnant
  • Find the fourth remnant
  • Find the fifth remnant
  • Find the sixth remnant
  • Find the seventh remnant

The Emissary has asked you to find the "Remnants of the Fallen Ones" and return them.

Remnant of an Ancient Nameless: The remnant whispers to you in a language you do not understand

Objective 6

You have collected the remnants for the Emissary.

You should return to the Emissary and 'Speak the Words'.

The Emissary: You place the remnants in the Emissary's still open hand. They absorb into its flesh and disappear. You once again hear the booming voice inside your head.
'Now, you must speak the words.'
The Emissary senses your confusion and emits a low rumbling sound that you think might be laughter.
'You cannot understand the whispers. Your mind is closed. Seek the Mighty Ones, and speak the words when you are ready.'

[near Gwathnor:] Our hatred will consume you
[near Thaurlach:] The spirit of evil lingers still
[near Durin's Bane:] The war with the Valar is eternal

Complete Instance: Say the Words

Objective 7

You have found one of the missing stones!

You should return them to their rightful place in the Crown Chamber.