Quest:The Five Sisters

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The Five Sisters
Level 100
Type Solo
Starts with Landscape
Starts at Lebennin
Quest Text

Objective 1

Tribute to the Gilrain

You have discovered a tribute basket to Roamingstar of the River Gilrain
You find a handwritten note that reads:
Roamingstar of sweet-song,
Hushed winds and speckled birds.
What is it you long?
Hiding in a dreaming hall,
Mountains shift with deep affection.
Gentle Gilrain hear my call.

Objective 2

Tribute to the Serni

You have discovered a tribute basket to Grey-eye of the River Serni
You find a handwritten note that reads:
Oh Grey-eye, your work is never done,
For the Serni flows for moon and sun.
Oh Grey-eye, does your work bring you joy?
For in the summer waters play little girls and little boys.

Objective 3

Tribute to the Celos

You have discovered a tribute basket to Silverfroth of the River Celos
You find a handwritten note that reads:
Have you seen Silverfroth, leaping stone to stone?
Yes I've seen Silverfroth, smiling from the water's edge.
Have you heard Silverfroth, whispering in the breeze?
Yes I've heard Silverfroth, laughing behind waterfalls.
Do you know Silverfroth, playing tricks of you?
Yes I know Silverfroth, for she is me and you!

Objective 4

Tribute to the Sirith

You have discovered a tribute basket to Truetongue of the River Sirith
You find a handwritten note that reads:
Truetongue, protect our city. Pelargir is an honest port, the Sirith's path is winding as are the choices we all make. Have we done you any wrong to deserve this invasion of Corsairs? Can you see what the future holds? Help us to reclaim this land's beauty, truest of the River-maidens. This offering before you isn't much, I know. It is all we can spare in this time of need. Please help us to hold on and we will let the Sirith guide us.

Objective 5

Tribute to the Erui

You have discovered a tribute basket to the Lone Lady of the River Erui
You find a handwritten note that reads:
""They say when cock does not crow and a fell wind from the East blows you will awake to save us! I wish this to be true more than ever! I am afraid for what will happen to our fair Minas Tirith if you do not spare it from growing darkness. I know you brood there silently, hidden and waiting to act. I urge you to act now. We're in dire need, oh Lone Lady of the Erui. Help us, most powerful of the five sisters. May you accept this most humble offering.