Quest:The Fall of Moria (Moria)

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The Fall of Moria
Level 50
Type Solo
Starts with Skygni
Starts at The Twenty-first Hall
Start Region Zelem-melek
Map Ref [5.7S, 105.5W]
Quest Group Moria
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'I will tell you the story of the fall of Moria, if you will hear it. Perhaps one day your part in our expedition to reclaim this place will be an important narrative for a new tale, eh?

'I warn you thus: it is a sad story. Only now do we endeavour to give it a happier ending.'


Skygni wishes to tell you the tale of the fall of Moria so that you can better appreciate what the expedition has accomplished.

Objective 1

Skygni is in the Twenty-first Hall in Moria.

Skygni has agreed to tell you the tale of the fall of Moria.

Objective 2

  • Talk to Skygni

Skygni is in the Twenty-first Hall in Moria.

Skygni has told you the tale of the fall of Moria and is waiting to speak with you

Skygni: 'Though Náin and his kinsmen stood against the great evil that slew Durin, they did not stand long: Náin was killed by the shadow the following year and the dwarves were forced to abandon Khazad-dûm. Many of the Silvan Elves departed Lothlórien in anger and fear, flying southward and cursing the dwarves as they went.
'Thank you for listening to the tale, my friend. You see now the importance of this expedition to my people.'