Quest:The Drowned Wood

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The Drowned Wood
Level 63
Type Solo
Starts with Athradnir
Starts at The Haunted Inn
Start Region Mirkwood
Map Ref [13.3S, 56.1W]
Ends with Laidhriel
Ends at Estolad Mernael
End Region Mirkwood
Map Ref [16.7S, 54.6W]
Quest Group Mirkwood
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Welcome to our temporary establishment, <name>. You may rest here a short while, but pray do not get too comfortable. There is a task I would have you do.

'Several days ago, our host split in two, and half our numbers travelled south to explore the swamplands in the Drownholt. We have not heard from them since, but it is important that we establish some lines of communication with them.

'I do not think the distance is very far, but it will be a treacherous journey. There is no friendly creature in Mirkwood, randir -- not one. Laidhriel will receive you, when you find her. She travels among the southern host at Estolad Mernael.'


Athradnir, a Galadhrim stationed at the Haunted Inn, wishes to convey a message to Laidhriel at Estolad Mernael.

Objective 1

The second part of the Golden Host set off south, to the drowned part of the wood known as the Drownholt.

You should seek Estolad Mernael, the camping place of the Elves in the Drownholt, so that the Elves stationed in the Dourstocks can maintain communication with their brethren nearby.

Athradnir: 'The host you seek travelled south, into the part of the forest known as the Drownholt. You should speak with Laidhriel, who goes with them. It is best if we maintain communication with those stationed near us.'
Laidhriel: 'Mae govannen. I am glad Athradnir sent you to us, mellon! There is much to be done in this drowned land, for we are beset by many troubles.'