Quest:The Blood-fish

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The Blood-fish
Level 85
Type Solo
Repeatable Daily
Starts with Héalac
Starts at Snowbourn
Start Region Sutcrofts
Map Ref [60.4S, 62.3W]
Quest Group Hytbold
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'There are many fish that swim within the Entwash and its streams. The blood-fish is elusive and difficult to catch, but very large and many stewpots can be filled with its meat.

'Blood-fish are drawn out only if the waters are scented with the fresh remains of a goat. To catch one, you must first defeat a goat, then while the kill is fresh, jump into the waters. If you are quick enough, the blood-fish can then be caught. The scent will dissipate soon thereafter, so you must be quick about it.

'The goats and blood-fish can be found among the willows along a section of the Entwash south-west of Walstow. Make sure that the waters you jump into are shallow and stagnant...the river's current will carry the scent away too quickly, otherwise.'


The blood-fish is an elusive fish found in the shallows of the southern extents of the Entwash. It only comes out when it senses the scent of fresh goat.

Objective 1

  • Defeat a Goat, Scent a fishing hole, and Catch a blood-fish

Goats and blood-fish can be found among the willows lining the Entwash south-west of Walstow.

Héalac asked to catch a blood-fish from the Entwash. In order to do so, you must first scent the water with a freshly-defeated goat.

Your mighty blow defeated the Sutcrofts Goat.
You are covered in goat scent, quickly jump into the water!
You have caught a blood-fish

Objective 2

  • Bring the blood-fish to Héalac

Héalac is at Snowbourn.

Héalac will be pleased to have the blood-fish that you have caught.

Héalac: 'This is a very large one! Well done, <name>. I can make stew for a week with just this one fish'