Quest:Strongest Among Them

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Strongest Among Them
Level 147
Type Solo
Starts with Stúkha
Starts at Jax Phanâl
Start Region Cape of Umbar
Map Ref [14.6S, 114.0W]
Quest Group Cape of Umbar
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Haradrim raiders still linger in our lands to the south, encamped at a place they name Grijâti. The strongest among them will enter into single combat with anyone who plants my banner. It is a sign of respect, but also a ruse, as I will not be the one fighting!'

The emissary winks and laughs heartily.

'You will fight in my stead! Defeat the raider and he is bound to honour the treaties of our past by making his way to me here at Jax Phanâl.'


Stúkha handed you a banner and instructions to taunt the Haradrim at their encampment in order to draw out and defeat their strongest fighter. The Haradrim camp of Grijâti can be found south of Jax Phanâl and west of the road.

Objective 1

  • Use Ritual Circle

Make your way to Grijâti, the Haradrim camp south-east of Jax Phanâl. Once there, find the ritual circle and plant the banner to draw out and challenge the strongest of the Haradrim warriors.

Stúkha: 'Plant the banner at the circle in Grijâti and the Haradrim raid-leader will think I have invoked a ritual battle. The terms are to allow them to leave our lands or grant them access back to our outpost. Defeat him, and he will come here, ashamed. Simple.'
Bhashta: 'This trickery will not go unpunished! I will have my revenge, and our people will have what is rightfully ours. Our service to the Heirs and to the Church of the All-Seeing cannot be forgotten! The Empire of Ordâkh remains vital and alive... as you will soon not be!'
Bhashta says, " You dare challenge me? Prepare to meet your end."
Bhashta says, "Enough. You are victorious. I will abide by the ritual rules and make my way to Stúkha. My life is now in the pits."
Bhashta acknowledges the ritual battle outcome

Objective 2

  • Talk to Stúkha

You defeated the Haradrim leader, and he said he would honour the pacts of the past. You should return to Stúkha at Jax Phanâl.

Stúkha: 'Consider me impressed. The Haradrim will serve as good entertainment in Dahâl Huliz, the grand arena of the gladiators in Umbar Baharbêl! You have done well.'