Quest:Stowaway 11: I, Mariner

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Stowaway 11: I, Mariner
Level Scaling
Type Solo
Repeatable Daily
Starts with Falnavar
Starts at Barandalf
Start Region Evendim
Map Ref [16.3S, 60.6W]
Quest Group Mission
Quest Chain The Tale of the Shipwrecked Mariners
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Go... 'Find that cur, Yarikh and put a final end to the misery he has caused. See him pay for the--'

He coughs madly, winces, and regains himself.

'Make him pay for the pain he wrought upon my brethren... my crews... my people.

'Fulfil this wish; the final wish of a dying man.'


Falnavar's state is deteriorating and his last wish is that you take the vengeance that he can no longer claim.

Objective 1

The last request? Perhaps. Speak with the mariner to go to the place where Yarikh is, and defeat the Corsair villain, once and for all.

Falnavar: 'Go now and find Yarikh. Bring me the haversack he stole.'

Objective 2

Return to the mariner and speak with him to inform him that the deed is complete.

Falnavar is gone.
In his hand, he holds a crumpled note written on the back of the old recruitment poster.

Objective 3

  • Read the note you collected from Falnavar

Falnavar's death is tragic, but there is a final note that he provided you.

Recruiting Poster: To you, who listened to my tale, I give you my haversack; provided that you retrieved it from Yarikh and his crew.
As you likely now know, I am the Captain in my tale. My obsessions led me here - not the call of water. I came to avenge the death of the boy I recruited and befriended and loved as a son. The horror and pain of his loss and the death of my crews is ended.
You have given peace and a final kindness to one who likely did not deserve such.
I go to my final rest with a mind at ease; a desire fulfilled, the scent of salt in my nose, and the sound of the babbling river to send me to my dreams.
Thank you, stranger.