Quest:Sigil of the Rhi Helvarch

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The Sigil is not where it used to be!
Sigil of the Rhi Helvarch
Level 62
Type Solo
Starts with Sigil of the Rhi Helvarch
Starts at Gloomglens
Start Region Enedwaith
Map Ref [62.4S, 21.7W]
Ends with Prestadír
Ends at Echad Idhrenfair
End Region Enedwaith
Map Ref [63.5S, 21.5W]
Quest Group Enedwaith
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

This strange medallion depicts an antlered helm, encircled by writing in a language with which you are not familiar. The only words you can make out are "Rhi Helvarch."

Perhaps one of the Rangers of the Grey Company will be able to decipher it.


You found a medallion inscribed in a language with which you are not familiar.

Objective 1

There are Rangers at Echad Idhrenfair to the south of where you found the medallion.

You should bring the medallion you found to one of the Rangers of the Grey Company.

Prestadír: 'What is this you have found, <name>? I lnow a little of this language, yes. It is the native Dunlending tongue.
'These words here -- "Rhi Helvarch" -- mean the Hunter King. I must confess that I have never heard of such a person before. Perhaps it is the title of a local chieftain?
'And this here -- "Galar-gwig" -- could be translated as the Mournshaws. I wonder....'