Quest:Raid: The Hiddenhoard of Abnankâra (Weekly)

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Raid: The Hiddenhoard of Abnankâra (Weekly)
Level 140
Type Raid
Repeatable Weekly
Starts with Zóva
Starts at Hall of Vérnozal
Start Region Máttugard
Map Ref [46.2S, 114.3W]
Ends with Remote Advance
Quest Group Gundabad Allegiance Quests
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'We must reclaim Mount Gundabad and that means putting an end to Hrímil Frost-heart!

'If you aid Prince Durin and the Dwarves of the Gabil'akkâ in their efforts at the Hiddenhoard of Abnankâra and succeed, we will offer you a fine reward!'

NOTE: You must complete 'The Hiddenhoard of Abnankâra' on any difficulty Tier to advance this quest. Once you have completed 'Discovery: The Hiddenhoard of Abnankâra', use the Instance Finder to join 'The Hiddenhoard of Abnankâra'.


Zóva, advisor to Prince Ingór, has requested your aid in the continued efforts to reclaim Mount Gundabad.

Objective 1

The Hiddenhoard of Abnankâra can be found in the Clovengap in Mount Gundabad.

NOTE: You must complete 'The Hiddenhoard of Abnankâra' on any difficulty Tier to advance this quest. Once you have completed 'Discovery: The Hiddenhoard of Abnankâra', use the Instance Finder to join 'The Hiddenhoard of Abnankâra'.

Objective 2

  • Completed

You have completed 'The Hiddenhoard of Abnankâra'.

Your deeds at Abnankâra have proven instrumental in the reclamation of Mount Gundabad.