Quest:Putting Goods to Good Use

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Putting Goods to Good Use
Level 148
Type Solo
Starts with Nâjah
Starts at Lower Ward
Start Region Umbar Baharbêl
Map Ref [21.4S, 97.9W]
Quest Group Umbar Baharbêl
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'There are two store-houses in the Fleet-fast, stranger, to the south and to the west, and they are full of supplies. How many rations do the guards of the Citadel require? Not as many as they keep for themselves, I can tell you that. My friend says that there is such a surplus at each of these store-houses that crates and chests are even kept outside! The guards won't miss those, if you take my meaning.

'Bring me some of these surplus supplies and I will see that they are given to people who really need them: the people of the Lower Ward. They do no good for anyone if they simply take up space within the Fleet-fast. Remember, there are store-houses both to the south and to the west of the Stûna, the great dock of the ships in the water's centre. You should retrieve surplus goods from both.'


Nâjah heard there were surplus goods stored inside the Fleet-fast, and she knows they could be put to better use in the Lower Ward.

Objective 1

  • Retrieve surplus goods from outside the southern store-house (0/4)
  • Retrieve surplus goods from outside the western store-house (0/4)

Surplus goods can be found outside two store-houses located in the Fleet-fast.

Nâjah: 'Bring me some of the surplus supplies and I will see that they are given to people who really need them: the people of the Lower Ward. They do no good for anyone if they simply take up space within the Fleet-fast. Remember, there are store-houses both to the south and to the west of the Stûna, the great dock of the ships in the water's centre. You should retrieve surplus goods from both.'
Retrieved surplus goods from the southern store-house in the Fleet-fast (4/4)
Retrieved surplus goods from the western store-house in the Fleet-fast (4/4)

Objective 2

Nâjah is outside the entrance to the Fleet-fast from the Lower Ward.

Nâjah: 'You have done a good thing this day. I will put these goods to... good use.
'It is very good, my friend. It should not trouble the ear to hear one say so.'