Quest:Mission: The Further Adventures of Bilbo Baggins, Chapter 8

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Mission: The Further Adventures of Bilbo Baggins, Chapter 8
Level Scaling
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Celeblír
Starts at The Last Homely House
Start Region Rivendell
Map Ref [29.6S, 3.7W]
Ends with Celeblír
Quest Group Mission: Further Adventures
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'I know you are ready, my friend, but I thought I should ask. Good fortune go with you into the caves, and fight past the goblin defenders in search of Bilbo!'

 Twist: Never-ending


Goblin-town will be full of the creatures, but if you act quickly you might be able to slow them down by locking the gates to other parts of the city.

Objective 1

  • Close the gates to prevent the arrival of more goblins (0/3)
  • Do not fall down to the lower level

By locking gates to other parts of Goblin-town, you can keep under control the number of goblins with which you must contend. Stay on the upper level. If you fall to the lower levels you will be swiftly defeated.

Close the gates that lead further into Goblin-town, or you will be overrun before you can rescue Bilbo!
Goblins howl with frustration as you close the gate
Harsh curses echo off the tunnel walls as you lock the gate
The heavy gate swings closed, muffling sounds of rage from beyond

Objective 2

The Guardian of the Jails has arrived, and he is not pleased to see you. Stay on the upper level. If you fall to the lower levels you will be swiftly defeated.

A booming voice heralds the arrival of the Guardian of the Jails!
Guardian of the Jails says, "What's all this?"
Guardian of the Jails says, "'Who's shutting the gates in my city?"
Guardian of the Jails says, "That's MY job!"
Guardian: 'If you think you're saving your little friend, you're more stupid than you look! No one escapes from Goblin-town!'
Guardian of the Jails says, "No one!'

Objective 3

Now that it is (relatively) safe, Celeblír has arrived.

Celeblír says, "Well done, <name>!"


Celeblír: 'You have done well to hinder the goblins, but even so we cannot hope for Bilbo to be unguarded. We must act quickly!'