Quest:Interlude: Those Who Are Dead

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Interlude: Those Who Are Dead
Level 96
Type Session Play
Starts with Rovalang
Starts at The Hill of Erech
Start Region Blackroot Vale
Map Ref [58.1S, 64.6W]
Ends with Rovalang
Ends at The Hill of Erech
End Region Blackroot Vale
Map Ref [58.1S, 64.6W]
Quest Chain Vol. IV. Book 1
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'I know little of the Dead, and count myself lucky. Who can say what drove them to meet with that curious company and its grim-faced leader?

'You know of this man. I can see it in your face. Are you willing to speak of him?'


Rovalang beheld a frightening meeting atop the Hill of Erech, and does not know what it signifies, but you know part of its significance, at the least: Aragorn spoke with the oath-breakers in the dead of the night.

Objective 1

Rovalang stands on the slope of the Hill of Erech.

Rovalang wishes to learn more of the meeting between the Dead and Aragorn, if you are willing to speak to him.

Only the Dead know what happens in the cursed paths beneath the mountain...

Objective 2

Rovalang is on the slope of the Hill of Erech.

Rovalang: 'I am unsure what this meeting means for Gondor, but I know it will be significant. Let our own meeting be as timely, but let it signify only good fortune for the kingdom I serve!'