Quest:Instance: Missing Persons

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Instance: Missing Persons
Level 66
Type Solo only
Starts with Haul
Starts at Echad Naeglanc
Start Region Dunland
Quest Group Dunland: Bonevales
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

Several contacts within the Bonevales have recently been taken captured by the Dievlig. You must locate your allies and free them before a grizzly fate befalls them.


You agreed to find and rescue the prisoners taken by the Dievlig from Echad Naeglanc.

Objective 1

Defeat several of the sentries guarding the prisoners.

Objective 2

Rescue Ilar, Mair, and Naeglanc from the Dievlig.

Ilar: 'Thank you for freeing me from these accused betrayers!'
Rescued Ilar
Mair: 'This place was once sacred to our ancestors. These Dievlig have betrayed this place, and their people. Thank you for your assistance.'
Rescued Mair
Naeglanc: 'Thank you for releasing me from the Dievlig. I will speak with you agin at Echad Naeglanc.'
Rescued Naeglanc

Objective 3

Find and defeat Gerwun.

Defeated Gerwun
Rescued the prisoners from the Dievlig
  • Speak to Haul
Haul: 'Thank you for rescuing my companions, <name>. We are regrouping at Echad Naeglanc...follow me!'